Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Investment in Libyan Oil Industry Dissertation

Investment in Libyan Oil Industry - Dissertation Example The intention of this study is Libya, an important nation situated at the centre of the North African Mediterranean coast. Having the largest resource of oil in the African region, Libya has been a prominent exporter of crude since early 1960s. The Arab Jamahiriya of Libya, encircled by Algeria and Tunisia in the west, Egypt and Sudan in the east and Niger and Chad in the south has however not been viewed as an attractive destination for investments in the more recent past. The international community has been seeing Libya under its leader Colonel Qadhafi as a state that supports and nurtures rebels and finaces terrorists activities against the western nations. This perception led to the imposition of sanctions by the United Nations in 1992 and a series of restrictive measures and trade embargo by the United States.With the final removal of all the sanctions and owing to reforms being undertaken in the country and improvement in relations with other nations, opportunities are now bei ng explored to take up investments in the country and take advantage of the emerging situation. Libya on its part appears to be making all the right moves. Colonel Qaddafi too has expressed his opinion in favour of reforms together with the vision of applied socialism and popular democracy. Multinational companies and foreign institutional investors (FIIs) are now being given encouraging signals to invest in the country. Prime Minister Shukri Ghanem, supported by Seif al-Islam, the son of Col Qaddafi has started the reforms process.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Contingencies to Airasias Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free

Contingencies to Airasias Marketing Strategy Essay Suggest three contingencies AirAsia should consider and rationalize your choice. What are the main modifications to the current marketing strategy should AirAsia undertake to respond to these contingencies. There are number of threats that AirAsia faces thus it should have well-prepared contingency plans in case certain situations occur. The following part focuses on analyzing three main contingencies that AirAsia should take into consideration as well as the modifications to the current marketing strategy that it would have to make to respond in case certain events occur. What if price war happens  To compete with the rivals, each airline introduced its own strategy. Famous full service carriers like Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways have set up low cost subsidiaries. Malaysia Airlines launched competitive promotion scheme while independent low-cost airlines like Valuair focused on improving customer services through offering additional benefits to customers. Obviously, the harsh competitiveness in the region strengthens the probability that price war might happen. Price war happens when almost all airline companies simultaneously start to reduce their prices and the region’s aviation industry as a whole fails to deliver profit. Price war might have a serious impact on AirAsia if it, together with other airlines in the region, starts to reduce its prices to compete. Customers now will have various choices and would be able to switch to the airlines that offer them the best price as well as best service. If price war does happen, AirAsia should make the following modification to its current strategy: Increase customer satisfaction by improving on-flight service quality as discussed in depth in the third paragraph of question one. What if customers decide to switch to other airlines Air Asia now has to face up with increasing competition not only from low cost subsidiaries of full service carries but also from the emergence of independent low cost airlines. With the increasing emergence of new airlines which provide customers with not only low fares but also â€Å"a level of service far beyond that expected†, the probability that customers switch to other airlines is very high. Recently, AirAsia has been receiving many complaints from passengers who are unsatisfied with the service quality. Focusing intensively on keeping costs low, AirAsia neglected the satisfaction and convenience of its customers. Thus, the company should consider the possibility that customers might switch to other airlines. In this case the following modifications to the strategy should be made: AirAsia should offer incentives for the customers to stay with the company by introducing frequent flyer bonus miles. To motivate customers’, AirAsia can also offer membership cards which would provide them not only with additional miles but also with regular customers’ discount on specific flights to specific destinations or at special period of time. What if AirAsia is unsuccessful in entering new markets such as China and India†¦ AirAsia is now looking for expanding routes to other countries in the region and China and India are a huge potential. However, these markets have completely different economies and therefore there is a probability that the market will not support a new airline. Also, for example, when going to China – a huge market, AirAsia needs to be ready to face tough competition. Besides good reputation in the market, well-established airlines in China such as China Airline, Cathay Pacific, etc. are offering very high quality service to customer. In addition to that in the meantime, AirAsia has to compete with many tough competitors in its local market. Thus, there is possibility that AirAsia might not take the lead when entering new markets and might not be able to reach its targets in new markets. Therefore, AirAsia should take into account the possibility of low demand and be ready to make modifications to its strategy in order to respond: The Olympic Games 2008 would be a great opportunity for AirAsia to strengthen its image in customers’ mind. To take this advantage, AirAsia should organize some activities to promote the company. Other big companies will certainly promote itself through taking part in such activities as Olympic Sponsorship, On-Air advertisement, etc. AirAsia should choose a different tactic. Instead, it can create association between AirAsia and the Olympic through programs spread via mass media such as: design logo for AirAsia used during the Olympic time or organize a lottery program the prizes of which would be Olympic tickets or flying tickets inside China. AirAsia can also use other promotion programs like offering round trip tickets flying to cities where the Games would take place at the price of 1 reminbi (Chinese currency) for the first 10 customers buying tickets at a random period of time during 6 months before the Olympics. This should help build up the demand for AirAisa’ services among the customers and enhance its position in customers’ mind. To conclude, it is important for AirAsia to be aware of all contingencies that may happen during its operations and to be ready to apply modifications to the strategy to protect itself from any possible issues that might occur. These contingencies may not come to reality but it is essential to have contingency plans and to be able to make necessary modifications to the strategy in case of the price war, or lost of the customers, or difficulties entering the new markets in order to adapt to these changes and continue to operate successfully.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Critical Analysis of Darkness at Noon by Harold Krents Essay -- Darkne

Critical Analysis of Darkness at Noon by Harold Krents In "Darkness at Noon", Harold Krents vividly describes some of the everyday prejudices disabled citizens must face. Presented in an often humorous fashion, the author opens the reader’s eyes to the cruel ironies of society’s preconceived and inaccurate judgments, and their long reaching effects on his life. Krents begins his essay by pointing out to the reader that he cannot see himself, and thus, often has to depend upon the viewpoints of others. He states: "To date it has not been narcissistic." The average reader may not be aware that the word "narcissistic" means, "Excessively in love with oneself." It is helpful for the reader to keep this first observation in mind as he continues through the article, and hears Krent’s descriptions of society’s viewpoints. Krents points out three particular judgments that are often passed on him by the public. "There are those who assume that since I can’t see, I obviously cannot hear" then, "†¦others know that of course I can hear, but believe that I can’t talk" and finally "The toughest misconception of all is the view that because I can’t see, I can’t work." It is surely an unfortunate irony, that the disabled citizen must not only deal with his own burdens, but also, the imaginary ones placed upon him by society. Krents supports his statements using appealing illustrative stories with effective imagery. Krent’s chooses to use words which are effective, and relay a definite scene to the reader. Some examples are: "†¦enunciating each word very carefully", "..if the dread word is spoken, the ticket agent’s retina will immediately detach†¦"and "†¦my saint-like disposition deserted me†¦I finally blurted out†¦" He creates i... not even present. Krent’s other recollections are also effective. They all work together to demonstrate the unfounded fears and misconceptions of some members of society. Krent’s mistake is attributing the opinions of a misled few to those of the entire nation. Although the reader is moved by Krents many stories and examples, the lack of objectivity in the essay leaves the reader with doubts. Krent’s theme - that if handicapped persons were viewed fairly their disability would be not be apparent- is one that the reader is aware of and wants to believe in. Yet, Krent’s own pessimistic tones overshadow the greater good. The reader is left with the unpalatable feeling that this essay may be nothing more than a very unconfident and dissatisfied man, attempting to pin his disappointments and failures on society, so that he may feel better about himself.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is media very powerful in its influence?

The media is everywhere. In your homes, in schools, in the workplace. It is very powerful in its influence. It can change peoples' lives and affect the way they think. The media is very versatile. It can be used for several purposes, from explaining things to persuading you to give money to charity or vote for a certain political party. In this essay I will compare two different media texts. They are both persuasive leaflets: the first trying to get you to chose to rent a McCarthy & Stone retirement apartment, the second is advertising hiking holidays in Ireland. The former of these leaflets came through my letterbox, and is aimed at retired pensioners. The latter, I got from a travel agency. It is aimed at 18-30 year old trekkers. I don't think one would find these leaflets anywhere else because they are very specific in both their aim and their target audience. A company called McCarthy & Stone, who rent out retirement apartments to the retired and elderly, made the first leaflet. Its purpose is a persuasive advert. It has a green, black and white colour scheme, with plain modern font and important information in bold. It is laid out on an A5 sheet that isn't folded or perforated. It has a picture, a map, and where there is a piece of important information, it is boxed out in red or green. It contains a quote from a customer, in which the lady (Mrs. Griffiths) talks about how cheap it is to heat the apartments: â€Å"It's very reassuring to know you can keep your home comfortable all the time without the worry of facing a sudden big bill.† There are also contact details, such as an address and a telephone number, and there is a website address on the header at the top. There is a logo underneath the header with the words â€Å"McCarthy & Stone† written in a semicircle above a silhouette of two people who look slightly aged. Directly underneath this, there is a slogan that reads: â€Å"The natural choice for a happy retirement.† This could be quite effective because the target audience would be people generally over sixty-five, and stereotypically, older people like to be cosy, maybe more so than younger people. About two fifths of the way down the page, there is a very large sized banner that simply says â€Å"Warm and Cosy†. This would appeal to the target audience for the same reasons as the slogan. The picture at the bottom of this page is very clever in its composition: regardless of where your eye falls, it will instantly be lead around the entire photograph. On top of that, all the furniture in the picture is arranged to make the room look bigger than it is. To enhance this effect, the furniture in the centre of the room is very thin legged and spindly with darker colour, and the furniture around the outside is quite bulky, but brightly coloured. All the colours used in the photograph are quite soft, natural colours suck as browns, yellows and reds. The walls are painted a very neutral beige colour, which allows the viewer to picture how the room would look if they lived there far easier. This photograph could almost be used to sell any kind of accommodation or furniture, yet works particularly well here because it portrays a very tranquil setting. The language is interesting in that it uses both formal and informal language, depending on what the company is trying to say. This could be very effective, but in this case it is poorly edited and sends out a very confused message. It uses quite a lot of persuasive vocabulary, and involves the audience very well, but still insufficiently. It concentrates a lot on a story about an old woman who has one of these homes. In honesty, no reader wants to read about the success this company achieved for another person – at least not to this extent. There are a couple of examples of superlative language, such as â€Å"highest† and â€Å"latest†. One of my favourite pieces of language in this leaflet is an oxymoron that reads: â€Å"It all adds up to costing you less† This short sentence is very clever, because it is just ludicrous enough to get the reader to stop and think about what they are reading. I think this would be quite successful in its aim, largely because its target audience is so limited, and it is easier to appeal to a fifteen-year age range that, for example, a forty-five year age range. The informal language would appeal, stereotypically, to the ‘lower-class' type person, and the formal would appeal, again stereotypically, to the ‘upper-class' range. The second leaflet is advertising trekking holidays in Ireland, under the company name ‘Shamrocker', carrying the slogan: â€Å"World famous adventures for backpackers.† Its purpose is to advertise. The layout is quite different from the first leaflet; it is much less structured (i.e. it doesn't look at first glance as if it has been aligned to a grid) whereas the first leaflet looks very square. However the colour scheme is similar, including lots of green and dark blue (like the black on the first leaflet). It is presented on double-sided A4 thick paper, which like the first leaflet is unfolded and imperforated. There are many images, including CGIs, maps and photographs. The font of the writing varies quite severely – there are seventeen different styles of writing in total. There are segments of writing enclosed in boxes to highlight information that the company wants you to see first. There are, like the first leaflet but more detailed, contact details, including email, telephone number, website and company address. There are about three photographs on this leaflet, but they are all quite small. However, they are clear enough, and all have a similar theme – a group of people looking happy, either in front of a rock or an Irish road sign. On the front, the top quarter of the page is taken up by the words â€Å"The Shamrocker Ireland: Live the legend†. Underneath this, there is a photograph of a man in front of what appears to be a large grave headstone. The back is mostly blocks of writing, laid out in blocks under headings such as â€Å"Our Mission†, and then descriptions of different holidays the company offers. The lower eighth is the small print. The language used is very informal, persuasive and superlative, but it is in my opinion slightly boring. It involves the audience well, but there isn't much to say for this leaflet when it comes to language. This leaflet would be very successful towards its target audience (which is stated in the small print, and is â€Å"17 – 35 year olds†) but wouldn't get much interest for younger or older people because as they are trekking holidays, people over this age group may be physically unable to participate, and people under this age range may not be interested in walking for six days, just for the sake of walking, with no ‘prize' or incentive. The informal style would appeal to the target audience. In this essay, I have compared two different leaflets, both advertising. They both would, in theory, be very effective at achieving their goals. I believe that the companies chose the leaflet as their selected form of media because it can reach many people; they are cheap to produce in mass and are effective at getting their message across.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Its Catalysts and Unhealthy Results Essay

The body has acted as the playground of beauty. Many individuals have experimented with their bodies in order for them to look and feel good, mainly influenced by media and backed up by vanity. However, this constant experimentation has created an unusual obsession towards making their bodies look better. False perception of beauty has created an unlikely habit which seems to cost some individuals’ lives. False Imagery of the body seems to have been influenced by media, has also created a â€Å"role model†, and resulted in unhealthy eating habits. Western Media covers almost the entire world and accompanied by the internet, their reach might continue to grow. Western television shows, movies, magazines, and other related media conveyed their perception of beauty. Western media has dominated much of the third world countries’ local media; hence, the influences of Western media on beauty can be most evident within this group. The result was a distortion of their o perception of beauty. Here is a good example coming from the reading: â€Å"Fijians revere a body†¦features that show that the body is strong, hard-working, and healthy†¦Thinness†¦was seen as some kind of social loss or neglect† (McClelland par. 7-8). This was the Fijian’s original perception of beauty when their government announced the installation of a television network which included western programs. Years later, this perception suddenly changed. However, the influence of western media acts only as step one to adopting the changes in perception. Step two is when the individual accepts these changes. Hence, it naturally falls as the individual’s choice. On the other hand, western media has still created a false imagery of beauty which dominated the other culture’s perception on the subject. This may have resulted to the creation of a greater rift between two or more ethnic groups. The United States boasts a diverse population which can be separated into different ethnic groups—white Americans somewhat making up the majority. Whites—especially women—dominate western media; hence, this enabled them to be the â€Å"role models† in terms of beauty. Among the minority groups, many have tried to make their selves look like their favorite celebrities and personalities from the western media; trying to look thin and white which for them, defined sexy. They simply felt insecure with the way they look and how others reacted: â€Å"†¦put white baby powder on my cheeks just to look white,† which was said by a 19-year old South African, East Indian girl (McClelland par. 11). Insecurity on her God-given physique has made her act this way. The whites may seem to be the perfect â€Å"role models. † However, there are a lot of potential role models from the minor ethnic groups that can be equally beautiful, sexy, and sophisticated when compared to the white role model. Members of the minority need a role model of their own in order to avoid the mishaps of eating disorders and other illnesses—paranoia, insecurity, and vanity are just some. Unhealthy eating habits are a result of a person’s insecurity with his or her own body—usual eating disorder patients were women. There are two types of eating disorders: (1) Anorexia (self-starvation) and (2) Bulimia (induced vomiting). Both were equally regarded as a dangerous habit, especially the latter. From some distorted perspective, many still perform such acts in order to look good—being thin is considered sexy. A woman performing these acts may appear sexy, which does not seem to wrong. However, the sacrifice that she had to make can be seen as an act of desperation. Not only that, these two habits can damage the body’s system which can be fatal when not cured. The influence of the western media seems too powerful to counter-influence it. The ethnic disparities may continue to grow and the anorexic and bulimic might remain the same. However, I believe that there is still a way to change the habits of the old and replace these distorted images with ones that would not affect the way people live. Works Cited McClelland, Susan. (August 14, 2000). â€Å"Distorted Images. † Maclean’s.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Leadership Theories Essays

Leadership Theories Essays Leadership Theories Essay Leadership Theories Essay Introduction Numerous studies have been conducted on leadership styles and theories, leading to an abundance of information on the topic. This paper will identify leadership styles and theories that the author has experienced in the maintenance field. Given the leadership styles identified, the author has identified one leadership theory that has influenced their leadership style for an ongoing project that they are currently working on. The study of leadership has identified many different styles exhibited by leaders. Leaders may be of predominantly a single style or may demonstrate the use of different styles depending on the environment that they find themselves in. Goleman (2000) has identified six styles which have been summarised below, however the descriptions of each style may be known by other titles according to different authors. Coercive – ‘Do as I tell you’. Demands that people follow the instructions given to them and leaves no room for their input or initiative. Rules from the top down. Can make people feel devalued and so resentful that they feel no compulsion to help the leader or business. It can however be used in times of crisis, during a turnaround and to deal with problematic employees, however it should ceased to be used when then issue is dealt with. Authoritative – ‘Come with me’. Authoritative leaders build a vision and inspire people to achieve the vision. Establishes a clear vision and encourages everyone to achieve the vision with true enthusiasm. They motivate people by demonstrating to them how their work fits into the larger vision of the organisation, and generally offers people the freedom to develop their own methods to achieve the stated vision. Affiliative – ‘People come first’. The Affiliative leader has a caring, nurturing approach building strong emotional bonds with people to develop fierce loyalty among people. They provide the freedom for people to choose the most effective way to do their work. Affiliative leaders offer positive feedback to personnel providing a sense of recognition and reward for work well done which in turn generates motivation and a sense of belonging among personnel. Democratic – ‘What do you think? ’. By listening to other people’s ideas and getting their buy-in, the democratic leader seeks consensus among personnel in how the work is to be done to achieve their goals and in setting the goals. This leadership method can create high morale and flexibility within a workforce due to personnel having a say in what is happening. Leaders can use this method to put off decision making or gain input from personnel to make decisions, however there is a risk that if a consensus cannot be reached on issues, many meetings may soon start to occur where decisions are not made, and more meetings are required. It is also a style not recommended when personnel are not competent or well enough informed to be able to make sound decisions. Pacesetting – ‘Do as I do, now’. The pace setting leader sets extremely high performance standards and then exemplifies them himself, expecting the others around him to do the same. If used inappropriately, it will negatively affect the work climate by the pacesetter overwhelming employees with their demands for excellence by making them feel as though they cannot be trusted to do their work. Initiative, flexibility and responsibility among personnel will also diminish. This approach however may work well with a group of like minded, competent personnel who have a set goal or project to complete. Coaching – ‘Try this’. By helping personnel to identify their strengths and weaknesses, the coaching leader helps to determine long term development goals and formulate an action plan to attain those goals. Coaching leaders are prepared to assign challenging tasks to personnel and accept the risk of short term failure if it furthers long term learning. Paradoxically, coaching primarily focuses on personal development rather than the immediate work related tasks, however coaching reinforces many factors that drive work climate – constant dialogue, constant and constructive feedback, clear expectations, responsibility, flexibility and commitment all of which have a positive effect on business performance. Although Goleman (2000, p. 87) identifies 6 individual leadership styles, he also goes on to state: Leaders who have mastered four or more – especially the authoritative, democratic, affiliative, and coaching styles – have the very best climate and performance. And the most effective leaders switch flexibility among the leadership styles as needed. Other leadership styles and theories include: Charismatic – According to Fatt (2000), â€Å"the charismatic leader is a visionary, specifically, having a vision of extraordinary goals and the ability to motivate those around him or her to achieve that vision†. The charismatic leader is able to express the vision, both in terms of communicating the vision and through their personal behaviour to realise the vision, explain the vision to others capturing both benefits to the business and the individual, extend the vision throughout the organisation and expand the vision in different ways and circumstances addressing whatever is required to achieve the vision. Charisma is often conferred by followers onto the leader, creating loyalty to the leader. The climate created by the leader is liable to change when the charismatic leader is removed or the situation changes and the need for a charismatic leader is no longer there. Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) – SLT suggests that leaders demonstrate a combination of both task and relationship orientated behaviours in various ratios when dealing with their subordinates depending on the maturity (ability and willingness) of the subordinate to able to complete the task. Blank et al (1990) suggest â€Å"subordinate â€Å"maturity† as the key situational characteristic that is said to moderate the relationship between leader behaviour (task and relationship) and leader effectiveness (Hersey Blanchard, 1969, 1982)†. It can be said then that as a workers maturity grows, their relationship with their leader will also change in terms of the leader demonstrating more relationship based behaviour and less task orientated behaviours. Path Goal Theory (PGT) – â€Å"The theory states that the main goal of the leader is to help subordinates attain the subordinates’ goals effectively, and to provide them with the necessary direction and support to achieve their own goals as well as those of the company. † Silverthorne (2001). In trying to achieve this, the leader needs to be adept in adopting directive, supportive, participative and achievement-orientated behaviours where necessary in order to assist the worker in achieving their goals. The leadership behaviour required will be decided by the nature of the task and the needs of the workers who have been set the task. Transactional – Transactional leadership involves the setting of tasks or goals and the provision of recognition or rewards for achieving the desired results. Bass et al. (2003), further this by stating â€Å"Exhibiting transactional leadership meant that followers agreed with, accepted, or complied with the leader in exchange for praise, rewards and resources or the avoidance of disciplinary action†. This includes a behaviour known as active management by exception whereas the leader specifies the standards for compliance, what will be deemed as non-conformance, and often details consequences of non-conformance. Transformational – â€Å"Transformational leadership refers to a leadership style in which leaders possess charisma and provide intellectual stimulation, individualised consideration and inspirational motivation to followers† Beugre et al. (2006). By clearly defining the organisations goals and objectives to workers, the transformational leader then inspires and motivates workers to achieve, beyond the task – reward behaviours exhibited by transactional leaders, the goals and objectives of the organisation. Transformational leadership is an effective style when an organisation needs to encompass change as transformational leaders identify new ways of working, seek opportunities and effective resolutions to problems rather than efficient solutions. Leadership styles can be many and varied or a leader can sometimes exhibit a dominant style. Generally throughout the research the author has conducted, the more styles a leader is competent in, the more likely they are to achieve the results they are after. The leadership style adopted by a leader in a given situation can have a large affect on the work climate and consequently, aid or inhibit them from achieving their objectives and goals. References Bass, B, Avolio, B, Jung, D, Berson, Y 2003, ‘Predicting unit performance by assessing transformational and transactional leadership’, Journal of Applied Psycology, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 207-218 Beugre, C, Acar, W, Braun, W 2006, ‘Transformational leadership in organisations: an environment-induced model’, International Journal of Manpower, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 52-62 Blank, W, Weitzel, J, Green, S 1990, ‘A test of situational leadership theory’, Personnel Psychology, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 579-597 Fatt, J 2000, ‘Charismatic leadership’, Equal Opportunities International, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 24-28 Goleman, D 2000, ‘Leadership that gets results’, Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp. 78-90 Sagie, A, Koslowsky, M 1994, ‘Organisational attitudes and behaviours as a function of participation in strategic and tactical change decisions: an application of path-goal theory’, Journal of Organisational Behaviour, vol. 15 , no. 1, pp. 37-47 Silverthorne, C 2001, ‘A test of the path-goal leadership theory in Taiwan’, Leadership Organisational Development Journal, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 151-158

Monday, October 21, 2019

Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers

Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers Executive Summary Project management is pivotal to business growth and development. In project management, project selection using a relevant tool is critical. Therefore, project managers should put emphasis on the best tool to use when selecting a project.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is prudent to note that, project cycle should be followed appropriately to ensure the success of the project implemented in handled as stipulated. This paper takes a critical and succinct analysis of three projects and subsequent selection of one project for full implementation. Project 1 Productivity system analysis and management project Productivity system analysis and management project is an online human resource management tool that will be used to analyze and manage employees’ productivity in the company. Purpose and Scop e The purpose of this project is to install an efficient employee productivity analysis and management tool. The project will cover Golden Tools Ltd Company stores in Dubai. Project Executive Summary Productivity system analysis and management is an online human resource management tool used to analyze and manage employees’ productivity. This management tool comprises of software which takes a critical analysis of each employee performance and how to improve it. Project Objective Objective Targets To increase employee productivity in the company Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% To increase customer satisfaction in the company Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% To motivate employees for better performance Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% The project strives to ensure that productivity level is maintained high in the company so that the company continues to reap from the economies of scale associated with efficient and know ledgeable employee. Management Management is pivotal for the success of a project (Deegan 2009). This is because management streamlines the operation and goal of the company towards achieving the prescribed vision. It is prudent to note that, employees play a fundamental role in overall performance of a company.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Project Design Constraints Financial constrain features prominently in this project. Future Contingencies Future technological advancement poses a great challenge to the success of a project (Kotler and Keller 2009). This is because new technology will be required to maintain the desired success of the project. Points of Contact The points of points of contact will include the following Project Manager, System Proponent, User Organization, Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, Security Manager, and Configuration Manager. Project 2 Launch of a new product Project 2 is to launch a new washing detergent product in the market. The product is a house hold consumer product which will change washing forever. Purpose and Scope The purpose of this project is to plan for launching of a new product in the market. The project will cover Golden Tools Ltd Company stores in Dubai, (U.A.E.) before it is rolled to other places around the globe. Project Executive Summary A new washing product is necessary for household. This project will give consumer an opportunity to choose one the washing detergent. Project Objective Objective Targets To increase company profits Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% To increase customer satisfaction in the company Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% The project strives to ensure that the company sells high quality products for great customer satisfactionAdvertising We will write a custom report sample on Project Development and Implementation for Str ategic Managers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Project Design Constraints Financial constrain features prominently in this project. Future Contingencies Stiff competition in the market is the future contingencies. Points of Contact The points of points of contact will include the following Project Manager, System Proponent, User Organization, Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, Security Manager, and Configuration Manager. Project 3 Customer Feedback Software Installation Customer feedback software installation project is managerial software which will monitor customer purchasing trend, reaction and feedback. The information collected is needed for strategic planning. Purpose and Scope The purpose of this project is to install an efficient Customer feedback software installation and management tool. The project will cover Golden Tools Ltd Company stores in Dubai. Project Executive Summary Customer feedback is very important in plan as well prod uct development. In this regard, this project strives to enhance customer data collection for adequate planning. Project Objective Objective targets To increase enhance customer satisfaction Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% To enhance planning in the company Excellent 80%-100% Good 69%-79% Accepted50%-68% Project Design Constraints Customer feedback software installation requires technical knowledge which will ensure that some of the employees are taken for specialized training. Another constrain is timeAdvertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Future Contingencies Future technological innovation may render the current software obsolete. Therefore, continuous upgrade will be necessary. Points of Contact The points of points of contact will include the following Project Manager, System Proponent, User Organization, Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, Security Manager, and Configuration Manager. Project selection Project selection metrics Project 1 ID Project selection metric Supporting document Supporting document Weighted point Awarded points 1 Financial favourability The project measure of financial benefits Financial spreadsheet 15 10 2 Financial Cost The project innovative nature for enhance competition Business case 15 10 3 Organizational advantage Project ability to create new product which generate high profits to the company Visions document 15 12 4 Risk The level of risk the project has to the entire business Project charter 15 10 5 Internal efficiency The project ability to enhance internal operation Proj ect charter 15 10 Total 75 52 Project 2 ID Project selection metric Supporting document Supporting document Weighted point Awarded points 1 Financial favourability The project measure of financial benefits Financial spreadsheet 15 15 2 Financial Cost The project innovative nature for enhance competition Business case 15 14 3 Organizational advantage Project ability to create new product which generate high profits to the company Visions document 15 14 4 Risk The level of risk the project has to the entire business Project charter 15 11 5 Internal efficiency The project ability to enhance internal operation Project charter 15 15 Total 75 69 Project 3 ID Project selection metric Supporting document Supporting document Weighted point Awarded points 1 Financial favourability The project measure of financial benefits Financial spreadsheet 15 10 2 Financial Cost The project innovative nature for enhance competition Business case 15 10 3 Organizational advantage Project ability to create new product which generate high profits to the company Visions document 15 10 4 Risk The level of risk the project has to the entire business Project charter 15 10 5 Internal efficiency The project ability to enhance internal operation Project charter 15 10 Total 75 50 Based on the above project selection metric, project 2 is more viable that the rest since it has high aggregate points on selection metrics. Time Value of Money Time Value of Money play a major role in the analysis of the concept of capital budgeting. The theory of Time Value of Money states that â€Å"having a dollar today is worth having a dollar a tomorrow† (Drury 1996, p. 61). Time factor is significant in the analysis of current and future returns in a business world which surrounded with several risks. WACC The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a critical element of capital budgeting. According to Drury (1996), â€Å"the Weighted Average Cost of C apital is a measure of how much a business needs to gain on its investments annually to maintain its current overall value†(71). Towards this, entities that offer loans or buy shares will expect a certain amount of return on their investment (Deegan 2009). Internal Rate of Return Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a process used to find out the return percentage in a new business project that offers future cash flows. In the calculation of IRR, the application of annual projected payments and the initial investment is critical. Capital Budgeting Issues While carrying out capital budgeting, the calculation of the WACC should be done for the business and the calculation of IRR for the project to be undertaken (Reiss 2007). In a situation where the IRR is greater than the WACC, then it is a viable business project and should be pursued. It is prudent to note that, financial theory would recommend pursuing all projects that have an IRR in excess of WACC, but this should be done caut iously. In addition, increasing of a company debt or selling more shares normally alters WACC since the expected return on debt and equity rise. This depicts that some projects that were profitable due to a higher IRR will no longer be viable. Demski (1994) explains that, â€Å"firms should consider the WACC not only on the basis of current return rates, but also on more debt or owners shares† (23). A critical and succinct analysis of Wheel Industries case study reveals a number of financial situations which forms the basis of the recommendation made. Planning for product launch project Research will be carried out to determine the market segment through the use of questionnaires. Purpose This oral tool of data collection gives a deeper insight to the issue in question in certain ways, for example, by giving the participants a channel to voice their challenges and their various ways of dealing with them. Strategy for implementing the project The project will be implemented th rough proper planning and execution of tasks. The use of media and social network sites will be some of the calculated strategies for implementation. Fierce marketing strategies will be implemented prior to product launch to enhance awareness. Innovative TV adverts concerning the new product will be run on several leading TV channels in Dubai. In addition, marketing will also be done on social networks. Media publicity Golden Tools Ltd will invest resources in media publicity and technology as marketing strategy. Advertisements on the Audio visual medium are significant as it gives company an opportunity to flaunt its products. Social media Social networking sites as marketing tools provide a unique experience and feature that can only be taped by exploring the existing diversity. An innovative firm such as Toyota must tap in millions social network users globally. Kotler and Amstrong (2007) highlight that, â€Å"For resources to be in tune with the emerging opportunities there is need for dynamic marketing strategies† (38). Public Involvement Employees and public are quite important in implementation process. In this regard, they will form part of the implementation strategy. Intermediaries Globalization in the retail industry has yielded results due to the platform it has created in consolidation of the worldwide supply base. In the past, a number of international corporations either have shipped parts to their offshore affiliates or have relied on the local supply bases. Segmentation Market segmentation is critical as a paradigm shift in marketing strategy in global retail industry. In this regard, The Company will concentrate in area where it has a great competitive advantage while at the same time penetrating new markets. Target Table Class Social status Occupation Population size(million) % population A Upper Middle CEO, Business owners, Top Professional 5 5 B Middle Professional 30 30 C Lower Middle Clerical, Supervisors 35 35 D Skille d working Semi-skilled 20 20 E Working Casual, low grade 10 10 Project Costing Particulars Cost($000) Marketing 100 VIP product launch 50 Planning 5 Road show promotion 15 Labour 5 Total 175 Timescales for the implementation of the project Product Launch Promotion and selling Road shows TV marketing Online marketing Packaging Product design Planning 1 day 3 days 60days 1 day 10days 2 days 15 days 40 days Period Activity Preceded by Elapsed Planning 1 Product design A 3 Packaging B 60 Online Marketing 1 TV Marketing 10 Road shows CD 2 Product launch F 15 Promotions and selling EG 40 Critical Path Conclusion Project management is a critical process which requires serious planning and implementation of activities. Therefore, it is prudent to carry out a proper project selection using the best method. Similarly, tasks should be carried out on time to ensure that costs are incurred as budgeted. This is because when tasks are carried outside the stipulated time there are cost implications which are incurred. In this regard, the above implementation of the product launch project will strictly follow the time frame for successful implementation. Reference List Deegan, C 2009, Financial accounting theory, 3rd edn, London, McGraw-Hill. Demski, SJ 1994, Managerial uses of accounting information, New York, NY, Springer. Drury, C 1996, Management and Cost Accounting, 4th edn, New York, NY, McGraw Hill/Irwin. Guthrie, J Parker, L 1990, ‘Corporate social disclosure practice’: A comparative international analysis’, Advances in Public Interest Accounting, vol.3, pp. 162. Kotlar, P 2003, ‘Marketing insights from A to Z’, 80 concepts every manager needs to know. New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons. Kotler, P Keller, K 2009, A framework for marketing management. Philadelphia, Pearson International Edition. Ko tler, P Amstrong, P 2007. Principles of Marketing. New York, NY,John Wiley and Sons Reiss, G., 2007, Project management demystified. New York, NY,Routledge,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chinas Dynasties Circa 2100 BCE - 1911 CE

Chinas Dynasties Circa 2100 BCE - 1911 CE The history of China stretches back into the mists of time. For centuries, scholars from China and abroad believed that the ancient dynasties - those prior to the Qin - were simply mythical. However, the discovery in 1899 of oracle bones from the Shang Dynasty dating back to c. 1500 BCE proved that this dynasty actually existed. The bones provided impressive amounts of information about the Shang royal family, religious beliefs and other aspects of life more than 3,500 years ago. Firm evidence for the Xia Dynasty has yet to be found... but do not bet against it! 3 Sovereigns and 5 Emperors Period (c. 2850 - c. 2200 BCE) Xia Dynasty (c. 2100 - c. 1600 BCE) Shang Dynasty (c. 1700 - 1046 BCE) Zhou Dynasty (c. 1066 - 256 BCE) Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 BCE) Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE) Three Kingdoms Period (220 - 280 CE) Jin Dynasty (265 - 420) 16 Kingdoms Period (304 - 439) Southern and Northern Dynasties (420 - 589) Sui Dynasty (581 - 618) Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907 - 960) Song Dynasty (906 - 1279) Liao Dynasty (907 - 1125) Western Xia Dynasty (1038 - 1227) Jin Dynasty (1115 - 1234) Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368) Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Effects of the Subsidy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Effects of the Subsidy - Essay Example A market without a subsidy will reach equilibrium at the point where the demand curve intersects the pre-tax supply curve. Let’s assume that the price is P and the quantity is Q. The subsidy by the government will shift the supply curve downwards by the subsidy amount. The price paid by the buyers for the homes will fall from P to Ps, that is from $167,000 to $ 159,000 while the one to the suppliers will increase to Ps’ that is from $167,000 to $174,000. The quantity supplied will then increase from Q to Qs. In the graph below, the cost of the subsidy to the government is shown. The graph clearly shows a negative balance which is the cost of the subsidy which is always greater than the benefits enjoyed by the producers and the consumers. The deadweight loss of the subsidy is the amount by which the subsidy costs exceed the gains in the producer and consumer surpluses. The deadweight loss magnitude depends on the subsidy amount as well as the change in the production which results from the subsidy The benefits obtained from the subsidy are usually shared by the producers and the consumers in a proportion which depends on the relative slopes of supply and demand functions. However, the buyers gain more than the suppliers as the subsidy lowers prices to buyers and increases the price to the sellers. Assuming the two firms compete on prices à   la Bertrand with the production function and factor prices remaining the same: qM = L0.6K0.4 ;qK = L0.5 K0.5 ;the wage rate is $5 and the rental rate of capital is $10.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Intel in early 1990s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Intel in early 1990s - Essay Example In this essay, let us examine some of these policies in early the 1990s that have made Intel the industry leader it is today and the organizational consequences they brought about. 1. Diversification: Due to intense invasion of the Japanese in the memory market, Intel decided to cut its losses and phase out its DRAM product. It shifted its focus to manufacturing of CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) processors with renewed vigor and this became Intel's largest source of revenue. It had also lined up secondary products like Flash memory and RISC(Reduced Instruction set Computer) processors. Intel began calling itself "The Microprocessor Company" .By pushing both its CISC and RISC technology, Intel hoped to maintain its dominance in processor market.(Dakota Hatch(October 2004). 2. Innovation: Innovation has always been Intel's ace in the sleeve .By its passionate pursuit of the latest and greatest in technology and futuristic vision, it has carved itself an undeniable place in the history of evolution of technology. The emergence of multimedia in the early 1990s signaled a new era of personal computing. Intel was up for the challenge. The Intel Pentium processor served as the engine of this multimedia revolution by making it easy for users to incorporate speech, sound, handwriting and photographic images. The Internet era of personal computing, debuted roughly halfway through the 1990s, marked by the mainstream deployment of Web browsers. The Intel Pentium II and Pentium III processors powered PCs through this pivotal stage of high tech evolution. (Intel Press Release).The Japanese tended to be the process technology leaders into each new smaller line width process generation. By the early 1990s, however, Intel found itself in the position of needing new p rocesses in advance of the DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) industry's needs or its willingness to invest in such processes. Intel had to learn to be a process technology leader and to develop systems whereby it could continue to improve process technology while accelerating its pace of product development. Intel crafted a brilliant 3DCE strategy that used product/process modularity to reduce significantly the complexity of the company's technical challenge: Throughout the 1990s, the company launched each new microprocessor generation on the "platform" of an old (linewidth) process. Alternately, each new process generation was launched with an "old" product technology. In no time, Intel's process technology was second to none .( Sean Osborne,1993). 3. Creation Of Intel Architecture lab in 1991: During the early 1990s, PC demand was poor because of the obsolescence of PC architecture and the non-willingness of PC industry leaders to advance system hardware along with the software. This lack of platform leadership in the industry had limited the scope of innovation at the system level. This was a serious issue for Intel because the microprocessor was a big growth industry and the fact that many companies had a say in PC design indicated that no single supplier could change the system by itself. To tackle the PC platform obsolescence problem and also

Creativity in different forms of everyday writing, factors account for Assignment

Creativity in different forms of everyday writing, factors account for the emergence of creativity in written forms - Assignment Example No matter the kind of definition provided to explain writing, it is appreciable that the essence of creative writing is to convey the human imagination to the people in the most convenient, effective and understandable manner. Effective writing can be evaluated by the creativity features that can be identified in any piece of literary work and the clarity of the message alluded in the work. In general, a creative writing will provide information in the most conspicuous manner possible and the recipients of a message should be gratified. The essence of this essay is to identify features of creative writing and to identify the factors that have culminated in the emergence of creativity in linguistic writing. Various scholars have presented different definitions and dimensions of creative writing as applied in linguistics today. Harper (2010) expresses the complexity of defining creative writing in the field of linguistics and is of the opinion that scholarly definitions of these terms as mere attempt. However, he pays a keen attention to the reference of creative writing as a by-product of a mind that is acquiring a new image of operation. The concept of this definition is rather unique and sees creative writing as an expression of the human mind in a planned and orderly manner. From the words of this author, creative writing is not only an art of the mind but also an art of the hands that must be coordinated to achieve creativity and the originality implied in this definition. However, Harper (2010) disregards this definition and he feels that this kind of definition lacks the concept of planning that must be accounted in any definition of creative writing. Schlepphege (2010), another scholar, has provided a different dimension of creativity in the modern creativity research as the process of producing a whole new concept in the society. The author makes a direct connection to the concept of creation in its literal meaning as the process making something new, an d presenting it to the community. From this point of view, creative writing is an art of bringing up new acts, thoughts and idea in the society. The implication of this definition is that to evaluate whether writing is creative or not, one would require evaluating if a piece of work presents a new concept. Schlepphege (2010) states that all forms of literary works such as poetry, drama, fiction, speeches or even song lyrics must express a new form of expression, communication or even self-awareness in human beings. In addition, creative writing is not a product of writing expertise but a natural urge of human beings to communicate or express themselves. Maybin and Swann, (2007) have analysed the language in two different dimensions in the attempt of explaining the practical application of creativity in contemporary writing. The two authors evaluate feel that language use takes either a textual or a contextual sense and creativity will revolve around these two dimensions of language use. The textual sense of language use refers to the linguistic forms and structures that are used to express an intended brain perception by a writer. Example of this kind of use of language use is expression of irony in voice intonation, use of word play in comic writing and the use of images to express an emotional feeling is

Thursday, October 17, 2019


THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TRANSFER TO ALTITUDE. ADVICE TO TRAVELLERS - Essay Example Remote mountainous areas generally lack the medical facilities which we take for granted at lower altitudes of normal habitation, and at sea level. Trekkers and climbers from the plains have therefore to be equipped with knowledge, aids, and medicines to prevent and to treat illnesses which tend to arise at unusually high altitudes (Peacock, 1998). Even medical practitioners with primary health experiences and specialist skills in unrelated areas, require orientation in the nature and ways of high altitude health care, to say nothing of the lay public which is so attracted to make sudden and quick visits to mountainous destinations. This report dwells on the prevention and treatment of common ailments at high altitudes, after defining the situation and enumerating the effects on physiology when a body is transported to a significant height where extreme atmospheric conditions prevail. It is intended for a general audience, rather than for health care professionals, and is not a substitute for personal medical consultation in specific cases. All people who travel in aircraft or visit high altitudes should consult with their primary care physicians for individual prescriptions, which this article does not seek to provide. The 5 thousand and 9 thousand meter marks of height above sea level are significant for people in normal states of health. This is because oxygen availability, air pressure, temperature, and wind conditions are so different at these altitudes compared to those which normally prevail at sea level. Though changes in these parameters are proportional to height gained in a climb, people in normal health who climb to less than 5 thousand meters need take no special precautions, other than to dress appropriately to combat the cold and icy and strong breeze. Conditions at the 9 thousand meter height mark deteriorate sharply from those at lower altitudes, making illnesses and medical emergencies more likely for even those who have been

The environmental effects on rasing children Essay

The environmental effects on rasing children - Essay Example The maltreatment may involve physical and emotional abuse, experiencing domestic violence, sexual harassment, or abandonment that exposes children to significant physical or emotional stress. Ideally, the frequency and severity of the maltreatment, age of child, and the relationship between the child and the offender defines the social and academic effect of the maltreatment on the child (Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014). The maltreatment can cause trauma that jeopardizes brain development and hinders attachment and interpersonal relationships between the caregiver and the child thus affecting the childrens social life (Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014). Maltreatment leads to learning and cognitive problems that fosters poor academic achievement among the victimized children since it also affects the areas of speech and language (Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014). Maltreatment also leads to numerous mental health problems like depression, post-tra umatic stress disorder, and anxiety that have adverse effects on childrens social life. Such children cannot establish and maintain positive relationships with caregivers or other children since they develop behavioral problems. Children that are subject to maltreatment can also inflict pain on others and develop aggressive and violent behaviors that limit their social life (Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014). Single parent families also effects childrens social and academic life. Single parent families involve families led solely by either a man or woman. However, most single parent families are single-mother families. Apparently, children in single parent families experience less parental supervision compared to children in two-parent households, which leads to significant social and academic effects (Yarber & Sharp, 2010). Single parents depict less involvement in monitoring their children’s social and school activities. As a result, such

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TRANSFER TO ALTITUDE. ADVICE TO TRAVELLERS - Essay Example Remote mountainous areas generally lack the medical facilities which we take for granted at lower altitudes of normal habitation, and at sea level. Trekkers and climbers from the plains have therefore to be equipped with knowledge, aids, and medicines to prevent and to treat illnesses which tend to arise at unusually high altitudes (Peacock, 1998). Even medical practitioners with primary health experiences and specialist skills in unrelated areas, require orientation in the nature and ways of high altitude health care, to say nothing of the lay public which is so attracted to make sudden and quick visits to mountainous destinations. This report dwells on the prevention and treatment of common ailments at high altitudes, after defining the situation and enumerating the effects on physiology when a body is transported to a significant height where extreme atmospheric conditions prevail. It is intended for a general audience, rather than for health care professionals, and is not a substitute for personal medical consultation in specific cases. All people who travel in aircraft or visit high altitudes should consult with their primary care physicians for individual prescriptions, which this article does not seek to provide. The 5 thousand and 9 thousand meter marks of height above sea level are significant for people in normal states of health. This is because oxygen availability, air pressure, temperature, and wind conditions are so different at these altitudes compared to those which normally prevail at sea level. Though changes in these parameters are proportional to height gained in a climb, people in normal health who climb to less than 5 thousand meters need take no special precautions, other than to dress appropriately to combat the cold and icy and strong breeze. Conditions at the 9 thousand meter height mark deteriorate sharply from those at lower altitudes, making illnesses and medical emergencies more likely for even those who have been

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Journal - Assignment Example In the story, the two main characters, a man and a woman, are involved in a decision-making process about an issue that can affect their life. Being both free spirits, they are both hesitant to admit that their life will inevitably change like the hills that look like white elephant that look out of place in the horizon. Because the said issue is of great effect to both their lives, they are continuously talking about it. The man wants the woman to do something but she clearly does not like it. But both of they do not verbalize such feelings instead they are expressing the opposite. The argument between the two main characters can be compared to the factors in life that can affect the decisions that people make. There are people who are like travellers and just depend on fate to lead them to their destinations. There are people who take active actions and make important decisions in life to be able to achieve their goals. The in the story still wanted to have an easy traveller’s life but he is telling the woman that he can accept her decision which ever choice she makes. On the other hand, the woman wanted to arrive at a serious decision but she is telling the man that she is carefree regarding the decision they had to make. The story captures the complexity of life. It also reveals a perspective that no matter how people wanted to have free spirit and leave everything to fate, at one point decisions are needed to be

Monday, October 14, 2019

More and More on Technology Essay Example for Free

More and More on Technology Essay They are the ‘machines’ which just receive their leaders’ requirements and relying on machines to complete without thinking. Becoming shortsighted and lose their belief, human act just for only financial purpose, regarding the progress and the negative effects. There have been many crises appearing one by one at the aspect of environmental pollution, religious conflicts and the injustice in the social wealth. For example, the Rhine has lost the beauty described by Friedrich HÃ ¶lderlin, a major German lyric poet, and been forced to be cut off and be a hydropower station to produce electricity as a slave to sever for human. Nature has changed its role, losing its previous holy, and become a serious of progress of being exploded, transformation, storage and distribution. There is not anybody like the Indians in New Mexico, refusing to use steel plough to tillage. Why? Is it just a rejection of using the plough? It’s absolutely not. At the aspect of Indians, land is their mother and they should respect and protect her as a part of their bodies and using the steel plough to cultivate the land equals to doing harm to their mother. Itis not a foolish behavior. In contrast,it completely shows they still have the loyalty and the pure soul comparing with those numb people lost in the frigid material world. What’s more, human are just rescued by technology but lose in their own dilemma created by themselves. For women, suffering from the twisted complex ethics and aesthetics, they are on the heavier social pressure of every behavior given by the followed medium. Even the weight, the figure and the action of the every part of their body are strictly required and involved in their ethics. They have to limit their desire to make the body slim and the culture of blind diet and losing weight, causing women live in a nervous station and get psychological disease. To sum up, technology, different from machine, is a dynamic progress where human use machine system to communicate with the nature to balance the relative relationships. It is a positive product of human exploring the objective world but human cannot rely on to seriously. Though most of people are the user of new technology and not the finder, our thought should not be limited by technology. We should consider how to use the technology to make the world harmonious and serve human more effectively.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Archaeology: Imperialism, Colonialism and Nationalism

Archaeology: Imperialism, Colonialism and Nationalism How does archaeology interact with Imperialism, Colonialism and Nationalism? Have they contributed to archaeology in any way? Discuss with examples. When we look at the history of the archaeology, it can be said that the archaeology have always been a part of political activities however the most sensational and the conspicuous time of this interaction between archaeology and the politics can be dated after the French Revolution. With the French Revolution, the nationalism ideology raised and swiftly spread around the world with industrialization. At the first round, rising Nationalism awaken the curiosity of the people about their ethnicity. With this curiosity, people focused ethnicity researches to find out their origins and for this reason many archaeologist take a place in this quest. Governments started to support the archaeological excavations and many institutes started to be opened and many archaeology students started to be educated. In this manner, archaeologists’ interest began to turn form historic times to pre- historic times. With the emergence of Darwinian evolutionary theory, all these ethnicity research a nd the focus on the pre-historic excavations prepared foundation of Colonialism and Imperialism. Nationalism is defined by Trigger as â€Å"an all embracing sense of group identity and loyalty to a common homeland that is promoted by mass media, widespread literacy, and a comprehensive educational system.†(Trigger, 2007). As a result of Nationalism, in the 18th and 19th C. ,the ethnicity concept gained a significant role among the most European states and they started to courage pre- historic archaeologist to study the origins and early ethnic groups. Although all the European states made archaeology which serves to the nationalistic ideology, for me the most striking and passionate studies are done by Germans who carried nationalism into the fascism level in the Word War II. With the establishment of German Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistoric Archaeology, Germans began to be professional in the pre-historic archaeology and they introduced culture-historical approach to the archaeology (Trigger, 2007). For the nationalistic archaeology, Kossina is the most striking name for that period in German archaeology. He claimed that the Germans are the noblest topic for the archaeological research and criticized the archaeologists who were studying classical and Egyptian archaeology (Trigger, 2007). He seeks for the origins of Germans and he wrote â€Å"Die Herkunft der Germanen†. He evaluated his archaeological data in a biased way and this evaluation encouraged â€Å"Germans to regard Slavs and other neighboring E uropean peoples as inferior to themselves and which justified German aggression against these people† (Trigger, 2007). Although Kossina died in 1931, he continued to be effective on the nationalistic and racist actions of Germany. For example, Nazis supported their discourses by using the works of Kossina. As a result of the nationalistic and ethnic researches, people became more aware of the different nationalities -such as the French, Germans, and English etc. It encouraged thinking that the people are biologically different from one another; therefore their behavior was determined by these racial differences as opposed to social or economic factor. This kind of thinking led people to think about â€Å"the inequality of the races†. Gobineau, who was a part royalist French family, claimed that â€Å"the fate of civilization was determined by their racial composition† (Trigger, 2007). Also in this time, Darwin’s evolutionary thought started to interact with the ethnicity oriented and nationalistic archaeology. Darwin claimed that plants and animals pass on their characteristics to their offspring however different offspring vary from each other. He believed that some of these offspring suited to their environment than others. This idea was explaining tremendous variety and the complexity of the natural world. He published his ideas in â€Å"Origins of Species†. This book was highly effective on the Herbert Spencer who introduced the idea of â€Å"survival of the fittest† and applied this view into the archaeology to explain the human societies in uni-linear evolution concept. He claimed that all human societies move from simple to complex (Johnson, 2010). As a result of this interaction â€Å"inequality of races† idea had gained scientific credibility. Additionally to these ideas, in 19th century Lubbock suggested that as a result of natural section human groups had become different from each other not only culturally but also in their biological capacities to utilize culture (Trigger, 2007). He regarded Europeans as the product of intensive cultural and biological evolution. His idea used to legitimize the British colonization and the establishment of political and economic control on their colonies. He also vindicates British and American colonialist from the moral responsibility for the rapid decline of native peoples in North America, Australia and the Pasific. This decline of these peoples was not because of what colonialists were doing them but because of the natural selection. This type of modality toward the native people increased the colonialism and the imperialism all over the world. As a result of colonialism, â€Å"historians of archaeology have sometimes justified acts of colonialist usurpation in adopting ethnocentric viewpoints which presuppose that archaeological pieces are better conserved in Western museums.†(Abadà ­a, 2006). For an example, the situation of Elgin marbles can be mentioned in this matter. Evans says, in 1816, Elgin Marbles were brought to the British Museum and all the drawings, excavation and the exhibition coast like  £35,000 to the British government. In 1821, Greece separated from Ottoman Empire and it created an endless controversy about the propriety of the ‘marbles’. What is beyond all of this discussion most people think that they would have great damage if left in their original home (Abadà ­a, 2006). With the increasing industrialization, which is the period inventions and developments, created the ideas in diffusionism and the migration to explain the cultural differences in past cultures. Many of the researchers rejected the culture evolution theory. As result of this, the idea of psychic unity, which is introduced by Adolf Bastian, lost its importance. It made racism much more powerful because the belief that every culture has a potential to develop their culture is collapsed. The idea that indigenous people were viewed as biologically inferior to Europeans became much more solidified. Writers and social analysts claimed that human beings were not inherently inventive. If there is a development in culture it should be a reason of diffusionism or migration. Also they said that the change was naturally belong to the human nature and it was not beneficial to people. Therefore it is supported that unchanging societies are the most convenient to human being. In this manner, indepen dent development idea in the cultural changes ignored and a belief emerged which is particular inventions were unlikely to be made more than once in human history. This kind of discourses solidified perceptions about the savage people inferiority. In the United States, the ‘myth of the mound builders’ was aroused and it has been thought that these mounds could not have been built by the Native People of America, who were considered too savage. Instead, they were built by a ‘civilized’ race that disappeared a long time ago (Abadà ­a, 2006). When the people see the mounds in Zimbawe and investigators claimed that this similarity is the proof pf prehistoric white colonization in Southern Africa (Trigger, 2007). To sum up, the interaction between archaeology and Imperialism, Colonialism and Nationalism developed after the French Revolution. Archaeological studies and the scientific developments to answer the questions in the archaeology have been abused by the politicians. The archaeological studies which suit the politician were encouraged and supported financially. Although this mutuality helped the archaeological developments, the results that archaeology reached had been used to satisfy the nationalist, colonialist and imperialist actions. Bibliography Abadà ­a, Moro O. 2006. The History of Archaeology as a ‘Colonial Discourse’.Bulletin of the History of Archaeology16(2):4-17 Johnson, Matthew. 2010. Archaeology Theory an Introduction. Trigger, Bruce. 2007. A History of Archaeological Thought.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Marketing :: essays research papers

A very important factor in the success of a company is the marketing strategies and the marketing personnel that is being used on a daily basis. As the marketplace evolves ever more rapidly, marketers struggle to keep pace. In our marketing department we have started to concentrate more on the issues that have been failing in the past years for us by adjusting our traditional stratagems—redesigning market segmentations, building stronger brands, and hiring new and better marketing managers—are very necessary. Unless these solutions can be mobilized rapidly, we could find ourselves overtaken by our competitors, for a fundamentally different way of organizing companies to exploit opportunity seems to be emerging among many of our growth leaders. You might call us venture-marketing organizations, since like venture capitalists we are quick to spot new possibilities, to allocate resources to the best ones, and to cut our losses as we go. We have decided to turn our marketi ng department around and make it become our most important key factor for our business. Marketing to new customers and to our existing customers is going to be our deepest concentration for the moment. We have decided to concentrate on marketing the quality of our products and the benefits of wearing our materials during their workouts or performing events. Our groups realized that to outpace the market consistently, we must not only create fluid organizational structures but also provide for unyielding rigor in measurement and decision making. As a result, we will enjoy revenue growth rates that on average are one and a half times those of the competition. When traditional marketers think of organization, they mean structure: distinct product, channel, and customer groups focusing on specific functional tasks, such as brand management, customer segment management, and market research. Our functional managers will play the pivotal roles in these functionally focused groups, which are responsible for generating ideas and taking them to market. But the traditional approach hinders the fluidity required to keep pace with the market’s evolution. For when market priorities change, traditionalists take a "wreck and rebuild" approach that consumes the precious time of top executives, disrupts action on the front lines, and, worst of all, often fails to yield the intended results. Our new-style marketing groups will understand that formal structures can’t drive value in fast-moving environments. To make organizations keep pace with the market, these groups rely not on periodic restructurings but on a continual process of evolution.

Friday, October 11, 2019

School Lunch

Dear Mr. I have coming to this school since 7th grade and has seen no progress at all, with the lunch. I’m sorry for saying this but this food is NASTY! It seems like its been frozen for 300 years, then cooked. Seriously, are you guys trying to kill us? Since we’re not use to this cooking, we’re not eating it as much. So try thinking of adding a couple of new foods while you read this letter. Some students at EMS has financial issues that they are dealing with at home. As a result no student would be buying school lunch. Also they may have not gotten accepted to have free lunch like I do.Another reason is the student may think the lunch the lunch look or taste disgusting. So you would expect the student to not even bother with the school lunch. Others say that the reason why they don’t eat the lunch is they’re not hungry once lunch time comes. Either it was because they ate a big breakfast or they just don’t eat as much. Now think about it wh en they eat breakfast its probably around 7:00 or 7:30. That’s 5 hours until the next meal is offered to them, if they can do that then they must be a superhero or something.Another huge problem is that the nutritional part about the food. I don’t know if you have heard about this statistic. In order to have as many chicken, beef, and pork. Chemical labs clone the meat in order for us to have as much as we do now. Basically when we are eating meats at school that is cloned. The chemicals may have all different types of unhealthy stuff in it. That makes it taste like the real thing. Now who would like to eat chemicals? Not me, because I thought chemicals were dangerous for you.Alright this topic is something I can relate to, because of being a certain amount of pounds overweight. And the way these ladies cook that pizza has death written all over it. Only because it s just so greasy, usually some of us we take a napkin and wipe the grease of the pizza. And when weâ€⠄¢re done the whole napkin is damp with grease. As a result of that is being diagnose with diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Living with a person that’s a diabetic and has high blood pressure and high cholesterol also.Cannot be fun because, you have to watch what you eat or else you will go into a diabetic coma. I’ve witnessed a person in a diabetic coma and it is scary because they just drop whatever they’re doing and fall. For the students that likes more of a variety to their meals. You could add a salad bar, fruit bar, alternate lunches, different types of the same food. So they wouldn’t have to just choose one thing and move on. Who wants to do that every single day NOBODY! Then the thing that we hate is that we have the same lunch choice almost every tow weeks in a row.Come on we are children we like to try new things not just the same old things. Another solution is that you can bring some of the kids background culture to the lun ch. But not no lasagna or Italian chicken feast because of some kids having Italian ancestors. Also to could just bring foods from around the world to just let us experience the world just by eating lunch at a middle school. At the beginning of the paragraph I was talking about adding a salad bar. Me personally I love salad to death. I mostly eat a salad with all of my meals that I eat. But sometimes it doesn’t happen.To me its just nothing but a blend of vegetables with some salad dressing. You could also serve different fruits because I know that many people eat fruit and loves it. Or you could just hand out surveys to see what we like to eat the most or the least. So it just wouldn’t be just this one big hassle, for only one choice of meal. As a result of you reading this letter. I hope you had at least a thought about making changes to the school lunch menu. If you do that, then I guarantee you that these changes will have students ‘wanting’ to go to l unch, with a smile on their faces. To EAT!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Puc 1st Year Model Question Paper

SHREE SHIVASHANKARA SWAMY GOVT. P. U. COLLEGE-UTTANGI:DIST:BELLARY MID-TERM EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPER NOVEMBER 2012 STD:PUC FIRST YEAR: SUB:ENGLISH: TOTAL MARKS: 90; DATE:26-11-2012 Q. NO I:Answer the following questions in a word or a phrase or a sentence each: 1X12=12 1)What was Steve crazy about? 2)Where did the bats live in large number? 3)Why did the narrator feel that his future was secure? 4)The animal without hands or legs refered to in the story‘The Rightful Inheriters Of the earth’is_______ a)Bat b)Cobra c)butterfly (choose the correct answer) 5)What was the formula given by Einstein for success? )How did the mother understand that her little daughter was dead in the church blast? 7)Who gave the cap to Steve? 8)In the poem ‘The Ballad Of Birmingham’,the girl wanted to go to _________(fill in the blank) 9)Who broke the silence in the poem ‘For Elkana’? 10)The logician referred to in the poem ‘For Elkana’ is__________. a)Th e mother b)The father c)The son (choose the correct answer) 11)Where did Steve see his lost cap? 12)How much did the cap fetch for the Diamonds at last? Q.NO ||: Answer any eight of the following choosing atleast two questions from the poetry in 80-100 words each: 13)What were the different attitudes of the mother and the daughter about the Freedom March? 4X8=32 14)Describe Einstein’s sense of humour. 15)How did the narrator’s wife try to kill the rats? What was the result of it? 16)Describe how Steve got the cap in the ball park. 17)Give two instances to explain Einstein’s absent mindedness? 18)How did the son become a binding force between the father and the mother in the poem ‘For Elkana’? 9)Why did Steve have to lose the cap again in the Hudsons’ house? 20)Describe the different interlopers into the narrator’s garden in the lesson ‘The Rightful Inheriters Of The Earth’. 21)Why did the little girl go to Einstein’ s house? How does this incident bring out Einstein’sgreatness? 22)What was the effect of Steve’s finding the cap? Q. NO|||:Answer the following in about 200 words: 6X1=6 23)How did the narrator’s wife try to kill the bats? Why was she not successful? OR Describe how Dave and Steve were re-united at the end of the story ‘A Cap For Steve’.OR ‘Einstein was not only a great scientist, but also a great human being’. Explain. Q. NO IV:Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it in a word /a phrase /a sentence each: 1X10=10 Alexander the Great is still considered as one of the greatest conquerors of the world. When Alexander was only 14 years old, he tamed the wild horse Bucephalus. Later, he rode this horse in all his battles. Alexander’s father, Philip, became the king of Macedonia in 359BC. But he was murdered. After him, Alexander became the King at the age of 20.Alexander had received the training of warfare from his father. The great philosopher Aristotle was his intellectual mentor. The young Alexander attacked the Persian Empire in about 334BC. He achieved great victories and then attacked Egypt and established a city called Alexandria at the mouth of the river Nile. When Alexander entered Asia Minor, he married a rich and beautiful princess, Roxana. He fought his last great battle with the brave Indian King, Porus. He won this battle with great difficulties. He liked the courage and pride of Porus.He returned the kingdom of Porus and became his close friend. Alexander died in June 323 BC in Babylon. 24)Name the wild horse that Alexander tamed? 25)Who was Alexander’s father? 26)At what age did Alexander become the king? 27)Who was the intellectual mentor of Alexander? 28)Alexander established a city on the bank of the river ____ a)the Ganga b)the Nile c)Amazon (choose the correct answer) 29)Name the city established by Alexander. 30)Whom did Alexander marry? 31)Name the Indian king who fought bravely against Alexander? 32)When did Alexander die? 3)Where did Alexander die? Q. NO. V:A)Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in the brackets: 1X6=6 34) Einstein never missed __ opportunity to learn __ others. Once __ little school girl who lived __ his neighbourhood approached him __ his assistence. __ girl went __ Einsteins house. (a, an, the, to, for, from, in) B)Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets: 1X6=6 35) Steve told his parents that he _ _ (be + play )baseball in the park. When he__ (run) the bases, the cap __(fall)off.It was still too big despite the tuck his mother_ _(have + take)in the band. So the next time he __ (come) to bat, he __ it in his pocket. C)Choose the correct form of the verb given in bracket. 36)Bats __ (is / are) not the souls of our ancestors. 37)Nobody __ (know / knows)the right answer. 38)Both of them __ (were / was) in the same place. 39)The boy __ (has / have) a demand. 40)The mother __ (race / races) through the streets of Birmingham. 41)You __ (will / shall) never know it. 42)Mahatma Gandhiji __ (was / is) the father of our nation. 43)Owl __ (am / is) not a vegetarian creature.D)44)Write a letter to the principal of your college requesting him to issue your transfer certificate. Show the following reasons for your request: Your father has been transfered; You have taken admission in another college. E)Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: 45)I am loving my mother. 46)She has took her pen 47)Sachin is a best player. 48)My brother and I am coming. 49)You are there, are you? 1X5=5 5 1X8=8 ——————————————— The End ————————————————————————————à ¢â‚¬â€œ

Christianity and Paganism in Beowulf Essay

The literature of a period is often regarded as the purest manifestation of the social, political, and cultural atmosphere of a particular era. At a crossroads, often than not, these works narrate the development of a culture besieged by new ideas and influences. Considered as the earliest extant poem in a modern European language, the Germanic epic entitled Beowulf is a clear example of how two warring cultural ideologies are melded together to create a population’s own unique social identity. Peppered with pagan images of magic and monsters, one would almost immediately assume that the poem was created as an account of heroism in the likes of Greek myths and epics, but it is easy to acknowledge that the over-arching motive that pushes the narrative is the relationship of the people with their new God, the Higher Being proclaimed by the burgeoning Christian religion. Taking this into account, one could easily characterize Beowulf as the product of â€Å"folk Christianity†Ã¢â‚¬â€the reconciliation of the newfound religion of Christianity and traditional paganism, a melding that suited the culture of the Anglo-Saxon people. The sense of paganism in Beowulf can be easily attributed to the prolific existence of otherworldly monsters and supernatural events in the text. Revolving around the three â€Å"monsters† portrayed in the poem—the man-killing Grendel, the vengeful witch of the marsh that is his mother, and the dragon that would be the catalyst to the end—these characters or images portray a Scandinavia that was overwhelmed by a wide array of mythological creatures that wreck havoc in the small communities, a Scandinavia of pagan lore. But amidst this, a hero called Beowulf would appear from the distance, a Christian â€Å"savior of mankind†, to expunge the lands of these vicious beasts. From this mere premise we immediately assume the tension that exists between the two different ideologies: Beowulf exemplifies the new order of Scandinavian warriors, those that follow a new God but still abide by their traditional beliefs, while the monsters symbolize the mayhem and destruction of paganism. Such dynamic was taken advantage of by an anonymous medieval monk who had put the story of Beowulf on paper, showing the power of Christianity over paganism. An earlier example of a â€Å"pagan† monstrosity and Christian heroism found in the text is Beowulf’s battle with Grendel. The monster had been terrorizing the lands of Hrothgar, and news of this had spread throughout the land. It is interesting to note that Grendel has been described as â€Å"Conceived by a pair of those monsters born/ Of Cain, murderous creatures/ Banished by God, punished forever for the crime of Abel’s death (line 105-108). † This portrayal of the Christianity’s first murder pushes further the idea that those of the supernatural and pagan element are, as Grendel is shown, â€Å"banished by God†. Beowulf arrives at Hrothgar’s land, a warrior of epic capacity, and lends his service albeit for the price of wealth and fame. He destroys this monster with no weapon at hand, and gains the respect of the people—clearly showing the power of Christianity over paganism. Another aspect of Christianity that is liberally addressed throughout the text is the concept of Christian fate. When our heroes talk of God, they do so in acknowledgement of His all-encompassing power and dominion. Lines such as â€Å"’twas the judgment of God†, â€Å"Blessed God†, and â€Å"the mercy of God† can be read throughout the text and shows how these characters entrust their life and fate to their newly found religion. Overall, Beowulf should be considered not as a pagan text but rather a Christian one because Christian values compose the backbone of the prose. Beowulf is essentially an insight into the history of a people who have come to comfortably adapt to new ideas and beliefs through changing times.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Closing case #1 wireless bikes Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Closing #1 wireless bikes - Case Study Example Therefore, technology is able to get right resources to the right place and at the right time (Baltzan, 2014). Hence, the company can comfortably operate in a free environment without being tied to physical location. Providing immediate data Access provides value when mobility permits activities to be conducted at where required. Wireless networks are capable of supporting a broad variety of immediate data access alternatives, from collecting usage data through RFID technologies when driving near a water meter to including complete internet access on mobile device or laptop. The company is able to get a status report as well as other important information on the transaction of the bike. Increasing monitoring and location capability helps in minimizing losses from damage and theft, gathers information from difficulty-to-reach or remote locations, enhances safety as well as makes probable a new wave of customized services. The RFID tags allow the tracking of the bikes from booking to using and returning the bike. LBS devices send storm information from the bike and help in locating it when there is a problem. Improving workflows involves using wireless technology, provides the opportunity for redesigning as well as simplifying those processes for being cheaper, faster, and more responsive. This also helps in eradicating redundant activities, redistribute tasks, and integrate activities and services. The company gets original data as the transactions with bike users go on. Both the user and the company interact freely as well as faster. Providing mobile business opportunities involves offering an advantage of making a purchase through the internet from anywhere, and anytime. In addition, wireless system offers consumers with the capacity to get information as well as order commodities and services faster and with ease employing a mobile device. Providing alternative to wiring occurs as

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Presidents Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presidents Day - Essay Example However from January 1, 1971 onwards instead of February 22, Presidents day started to celebrate on every third Monday of February. Since then Presidents day never happened in Washington’s actual birth day (February 22) as third Monday of February occurs in between February 15 and 21. In this year or 2011, Presidents day was on February 21. Thus, at present presidents day lost its significance as the actual birth day of America’s first president since it is celebrated based on the day rather than the date. Today, people celebrate Presidents day to mark their respect towards the entire Presidents of America, but most significantly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. â€Å"The official US holiday is meant to honor only George Washington, but many people consider President's Day a day to honor both George Washington (born on Feb. 22, 1732) and Abraham Lincoln (born on Feb. 12, 1809)† (Activities, Worksheets and Crafts for Presidents Day).The story behind fixing t he presidents day as the third Monday on February is interesting. According to the Gregorian or "New Style" calendar that is most commonly used today, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. But according to the Julian or "Old Style" calendar that was used in England until 1752, his birth date was February 11th. Back in the 1790s, Americans were split - some celebrated his birthday on February 11th and some on February 22nd.When Abraham Lincoln became president and helped reshape our country, it was believed he, too, should have a special day of recognition. Tricky thing was that Lincoln’s birthday fell on February 12th. Prior to 1968, having two presidential birthdays so close together didn't seem to bother anyone. February 22nd was observed as a federal public holiday to honor the birthday of George Washington and February 12th was observed as a public holiday to honor Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (Himiac). The confusion over the significance of Presidents day is still prevailing in America. Some people celebrate it for honoring first president George Washington whereas some others use it to honor Abraham Lincoln. In order to avoid confusion or controversy some people celebrate the entire week for Presidents day celebration. Some of the America schools and colleges conducting regular classes currently even on Presidents day. At the same time, many other schools in America often been closed for the entire week. In other words, Presidents day is celebrated or observed differently by the academic community. Even though Congress had made federal legislation for celebrating Presidents day, still individual states are keeping their preferences while observing Presidents day. States like California, Idaho, Tennessee and Texas started to use the term "President's Day rather than Presidents’ Day. The confusion about the Presidents day helped the business community to exploit it. Business people interpreted presidents day differently with t he help of different advertising campaigns and currently people’s perception about president day has been changed a lot. Instead of honoring the Presidents, current people use this occasion for shopping and enjoying. Presidents day is currently celebrated more by the business community. They use this occasion to boost their sales just like other significant occasions like Memorial Day, Christmas Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day etc. Earlier most of the American shops were remain closed

Monday, October 7, 2019

Implementation reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implementation reflection paper - Essay Example The most usual troubles include cutting trees, blocking rivers, extreme animal grazing, storms, overflows, and fires, notably, not all the ecologically disturbances can be attributed to man since others like flooding are nurture. These are some of the key issues examined under the study of ecological restoration which is a scientific discipline that studies the repairing of disturbed ecologies. To deal with these disturbances, restoration activities have been designed to restore the environment to its initial state before the disturbance occurred or to create a new and appropriate eco system where there had been none previously. Restoration projects are different in terms of objectives and methodology applied, majority of the restoration systems are however focused in re-establishing native species of animals or plants and/or repair of pre-existing ecological systems (Higgs, 2010). Restoration developments vary in their purposes and their ways and means of accomplishing those objecti ves, examples of the common restorative activities include; revegetation, which is the reestablishment of flora in places it had existed previously, this is often done with intention to control erosion by creating plant cover (Vaughn, 2010). Habitat enhancement by which a site’s suitability is enhanced to make it more conducive as a habitat for a given species, remediation involves the improvement of an existing ecosystem or replacing a deteriorated or destroyed ecosystem. Historically, the idea or restoration has been known for centuries but it is not until recently that notable action has been taken. Some of the most wide scale restoration projects in the world include the Florida wetland restoration in the United States and the Mau forest in Kenya where trees were replanted after years of deforestation. The wetlands in Florida had been drained and the indigenous plants cleared in and used as farms and pastures crops in the 60s as the land was reclaimed for crop cultivation , as a result many animal and plant species native to the everglades vanished since the environment had become hostile for them (Nellemann, 2010). However in 2001, efforts to restore the land were put in place, the water level was returned to normal through reduction of water canals in the region and as soon as the required hydrology was achieved the native species were introduced (Hogan, et al, 2011). A total of 143 acres of wetland were restored and 20 listed animal species reintroduced in to the wetlands and currently placed under the protection by the state to prevent future attempts to encroach the nurture habitat. In Kenya high deforestation in the Mau forest which is a critical catchment area that supplied water to the Africa’s largest freshwater Lake (Lake Victoria) this called for mitigate action which included a cessation of tree felling activities and planting of thousands of trees. After the BP oil spillage, the American coastal wetlands are also in need for exten sive restoration efforts as a result of extreme destruction of the ecosystem and consequent ill effects on marine plants and animals (Barbier, 2011). One of the concepts on which restoration draws is the concept of landscape ecology, this is because restored areas are often small and this puts them at risks similar to those that happen in situations of environmental