Friday, August 28, 2020

Aristarchus of Samos Biography

Aristarchus of Samos Biography Quite a bit of what we think about the study of stargazing and divine perceptions depends on perceptions and speculations previously proposed by antiquated spectators in Greece and what is presently the Middle East. These space experts were additionally cultivated mathematicians and eyewitnesses. One of them was a profound scholar named Aristarchus of Samos.â He lived from around 310 B.C.E. through roughly 250 B.C.E. also, his work is as yet regarded today. Despite the fact that Aristarchus was periodically expounded on by early researchers and rationalists, particularly Archimedes (who was a mathematician, designer, and space expert), almost no is thought about his life. He was an understudy of Strato of Lampsacus, head of Aristotles Lyceum. The Lyceum was a position of learning worked before Aristotles time however is frequently associated with his lessons. It existed in both Athens and Alexandria. Aristotles concentrates clearly didn't occur in Athens, but instead during when Strato was leader of the Lyceum at Alexandria. This was likely soon after he took over in 287 B.C.E. Aristarchus went along as a youngster to concentrate under the best personalities of his time. What Aristarchus Achieved Aristarchus is most popular for two things: his conviction that Earth circles (spins) around the Sun and his work endeavoring to decide the sizes and separations of the Sun and Moon comparative with one another.  He was one of the first to consider the Sun as a focal fire similarly as different stars were, and was an early advocate of the possibility that stars were other suns.â In spite of the fact that Aristarchus composed numerous volumes of analysis and examinations, his solitary enduring work, On the Dimensions and Distances of the Sun and Moon, doesn't give any further knowledge into his heliocentric perspective on the universe. While the technique he depicts in it for getting the sizes and separations of the Sun and Moon is essentially right, his last gauges weren't right. This was moore because of an absence of exact instruments and an insufficient information on arithmetic than to the technique he used to concoct his numbers. Aristarchuss intrigue wasnt restricted to our own planet. He speculated that, past the close planetary system, the stars were like the Sun. This thought, alongside his work on the heliocentric model placing the Earth in turn around the Sun, held for a long time. Inevitably, the thoughts of later space expert Claudius Ptolemy - that the universe basically circles Earth (otherwise called geocentrism) - came into vogue, and held influence until Nicolaus Copernicus brought back the heliocentric hypothesis in his compositions hundreds of years later.â It is said that Nicolaus Copernicusâ credited Aristarchus in his treatise, De revolutionibus caelestibus. In it he composed, Philolaus had faith in the portability of the earth, and some even say that Aristarchus of Samos was of that sentiment. This line was crossed out before its distribution, for reasons that are obscure. In any case, unmistakably, Copernicus perceived that another person had accurately found the right situation of the Sun and Earth in the universe. He felt it was significant enough to place into his work. Regardless of whether he crossed it out or another person did is available to discuss. Aristarchus versus Aristotle and Ptolemy There is some proof that Aristarchuss thoughts were not regarded by different savants of his time. Some pushed that he be attempted under the steady gaze of a lot of judges for advancing thoughts against the characteristic request of things as they were comprehended at that point. A large number of his thoughts were legitimately in logical inconsistency with the acknowledged astuteness of the philosopherâ Aristotle and the Greek-Egyptian aristocrat and space expert Claudius Ptolemy. Those two logicians held that Earth was the focal point of the universe, a thought we presently know is wrong.â Nothing in the enduring records of his life propose that Aristarchus was scolded for his opposite dreams of how the universe functioned. In any case, so next to no of his work exists today that history specialists are left with pieces of information about him. All things considered, he was one of the first to attempt and scientifically decide removes in space.â Likewise with his introduction to the world and life, little is known about Aristarchuss passing. A pit on the moon is named for him, in its middle is a pinnacle which is the most brilliant development on the Moon. The cavity itself is situated on the edge of the Aristarchus Plateau, which is a volcanic district on the lunar surface. The cavity was named in Aristarchuss respect by the seventeenth century stargazer Giovanni Riccioli.â Altered and extended via Carolyn Collins Petersen

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hiding Behind the Picture Buddy French

Chapter by chapter guide Starting out: The Story Begins What Lies on the Surface The Conflict inside: Looking for a Shelter The Climax and the Return Back Works Cited Starting out: The Story Begins One of the most confounded and simultaneously the most alluring characters in the story, Buddy French countenances serious clash inside him, which makes him much increasingly unconventional sort to dissect. A neighborhood cop, a man who should battle wrongdoing is typically underestimated by a great many people, and is regularly viewed as an equity machine without any emotions or questions. Promoting We will compose a custom article test on Hiding Behind the Picture: Buddy French explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, rather than the far reaching thought of a genuine police officer, Buddy French needs to manage various issues in the enthusiastic circle, such as clashing with his significant other and managing the unexpected flood of energy towards his ex-schoolmate Sandra. In addition, clearly the issue of Buddy’s examination, in particular, gay sex and medications issues, appears to make the earth wherein Buddy feels rather awkward, which his discussion with Mackenzie (McIvor 65-66) uncovers. Topping as far as possible, the previously mentioned contentions in Buddy’s life cause him to attempt the last advance to determine the issues he faces. Clearly all Buddy needs is to live calmly and make the world a more secure and better spot: What Lies on the Surface There is no uncertainty that Buddy is a serious alluring character. â€Å"Handsome and troubled† (McIvor 4), he is a lot of like a sentimental Prince Charmin. Be that as it may, it must be conceded that the film executive has done everything conceivable not to transform Buddy into another exhausting sad legend. Including a particular quality of his character or highlight of his appearance, the film mollifies the unpleasantness Buddy’s character assumes. For exa mple, the police officer â€Å"chews his nails on the porch† (McIvor 7) or purposely picks an image as though to â€Å"hide† behind it while having a significant discussion with Sandra (McIvor 8). The Conflict inside: Looking for a Shelter It is apparent that Buddy needs some rest from the connections that inconvenience him, yet he can't discover the safe house where he can disregard the excruciating clash inside him. It is basic that Buddy is totally at misfortune when confronting his dangerous relationship †as a conclusive cop and a man of solid will, he believes that he should unravel the complexities without a moment's delay, yet he neglects to cut the Gordian bunch, which makes him much increasingly dubious about his will and influence and drives him to considerably more grounded struggle inside. Holding to the life of the normal as though it were an actual existence float, he looks the most ungainly and wretched way: â€Å"Buddy remains on the yard, despite everything holding the easy chair. He watches Carol drive off† (McIvor 12).Advertising Looking for exposition on craftsmanship and plan? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At this purpose of absolute despondency, Buddy looks as near his foe, Dan Jarvis, as he has never had. Incidentally, the main character that must be a finished differentiation to Buddy French, the man speaking to sexual minority and, in this way, an individual who should be Buddy’s rival in the film, is very near him. Both Buddy and his enemy have very comparative passionate complexities, which makes Buddy’s character always mind boggling. The Climax and the Return Back Culminating at the time when Buddy French needs to pick whether he needs to remain with his significant other Carol or accommodate with Sandra, Buddy’s issue out of nowhere breaks up, and he releases the sentiments. The straightforwardness which Buddy shakes off the p ast is genuinely mind boggling: â€Å"Let’s state it was a piece of another life,† (McIvor 83) he says to his ex, takes Sandra by the hand and â€Å"They leave the station together, not contacting, yet side by side† (McIvor 84). The passionate strain, the difficult danger that was demolishing his life, leaves him, and Buddy is prepared to start from the very beginning once more. Life goes on in Wilby Wonderful. Works Cited McIvor, Daniel. â€Å"Wilby Wonderful.† Bridgewater, NS: Palpable Productions, n.d. PDF document. This exposition on Hiding Behind the Picture: Buddy French was composed and presented by client Layla Russo to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Helping Parents Apply First Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Helping Parents Apply First Aid - Essay Example happens when an article is stopped in the windpipe hence a youngster can't relax. The youngster may likewise have a blocked windpipe from having an unfavorably susceptible response to nourishment. Small kids regularly swallow different items and on the grounds that chocking prompts a lacking measure of air into the cerebrum, and medical aid should be directed rapidly (Nelson, 2002). A rundown of things that ought to be available incorporates: †¢ Hand sanitizer with the goal that one can have the option to clean their hands when water or cleanser isn't accessible. †¢ Triple-Antibiotic balm so that there can be the counteraction of contamination. †¢ Thermometer. †¢ Acetaminophen for the agony or fever. †¢ Oral antihistamine for hypersensitive responses. †¢ Instant cold press so as to control the expanding. †¢ Calamine cream to help with the chomps or stings. Technique: 1. Surveying the circumstance: when a kid can't inhale, cry or giggle, at that point there is something that is insubordinately amiss with the kid. 2. In the event that the kid is hacking, it implies that the child’s windpipe is just somewhat blocked. At the point when that is the situation, the youngster ought to be directed to keep hacking. This is the best technique for unblocking the windpipe and specifically to any individual who isn't completely blocked (Nelson, 2002). 3. Request that another individual call the crisis number, for example, 911 while giving the youngster back blows and chest pushes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The History of Essay Samples for General Ielts Refuted

The History of Essay Samples for General Ielts Refuted The Essay Samples for General Ielts Pitfall There's, naturally, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. You must be careful with this essay as although you've got to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the problem, there's a second part to the question which is not about this. You will be shown a situation and you'll need to compose your letter explaining the circumstance or asking for information. There are difference contexts that may be used within the exact subject so that you must make certain that you will be clear in regards to identifying the section of the topic that you're likely to chat about. Essay Samples for General Ielts Secrets The opening paragraph has all of the key details about the graph but itparaphrasesthe question. There's also a hyperlink below to m y Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons which could be bought for people who desire to learn in greater depth and achieve a greater score. In other words, an academic essay may be an evidence of the depth of your research procedures and the rest of the activities you have executed so you can support the content of your written output. So it's necessary to compose an essay for whichever one that you select, but the other part is different based on which module you're taking. The New Angle On Essay Samples for General Ielts Just Released Annually, an increasing number of people from all around the world opt to leave their home countries and move to a different place. Attempt to use the mouse if you're comfortable sitting back. To a lot of people, it's appropriate to marry for money instead of love. So, for a lot of people, it may appear appropriate to marry for money instead of love. The History of Essay Samples for General Ielts Refuted Furthermore, the paragraph is coherent and t here's a wide selection of language. Check out whether it is possible to turn the page with some arrow keys or click a particular portion of the display, aside from utilizing the mouse to deal with everything. The number of grammatical constructions used seems quite great. There is a broad range of rather natural vocabulary necessary to spell out a graph and there aren't any spelling mistakes. These high score model essays will allow you to know how to answer the essay questions and the way to structure your writing. The classical procedures of teaching always concentrated on the lecture format and examination. When employing a template for a guide, always make sure it's applicable to the study that you're practicing or the academic area or discipline at which you will use your academic essay. There are someA last minute essay writingA activities that are finished in many fields especially if students believe an academic essay is simply part of their requirements. What Doe s Essay Samples for General Ielts Mean? If you merely look at the same side, you can run out of ideas. The manner in which you organize your ideas will certainly influence your score. When you have gathered ideas on this issue, you should properly set your thoughts into words. You don't need to locate some complicated ideas. It'll be useful to have a very good eBook reader to be in a position to truly have an amazing reading experience and premium quality eBook display. The learners will face the actual life situations and do mistakes and that's the best method of learning. You ought not use the eBook continually for a number of hours without breaks. Thus don't get intimidated if you believe you can't write such essays. An essay has to be composed of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Always bear in mind your academic essay needs to be playful it must not bore your audience. A well-structured essay has a fantastic introduction, body paragraphs that are simple to follow and connect together, and a great conclusion. First growth is going to be financed by a mixture of equity investment and debt financing. In conclusion, though there are some negative sides to having a single international language, it brings many benefits like the development of global business and economy. Despite how the lipstick manufacturing line business is apparently somewhat saturated in the USA of America, there's a positive outlook for the industry especially in regards to leveraging on the changing trends in technology and beauty cum fashion. CONCLUSION In conclusion, distributing information absolutely free of charge can help in some specific facets but can also be damaging to society. Individuals need to be careful to underestimate the worth and power of knowledge. The very first issue is the reduce quality of life as a result of increasingly heavier burden on the current urban infrastructure. What Essay Samples for General Ielts Is - and What it Is Not While there are numerous advantages to using English as a global language, in addition, it has some negative consequences. If everyone has an identical culture, there's no meaning in visiting different places. There are several ecofriendly technological alternatives to what society employs today that are not as damaging for nature. Also, certain kinds of information in the incorrect hands can be devastating for society.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Guidelines for Starting a Genealogy Business

I often receive emails from genealogists who find that they love family history so much that theyd like to turn it into a career. But how? Can you really earn a living doing what you love? The answer is, sure! If you have strong genealogical research and organizational skills and a keen sense for business, you can earn money working in the family history field. As with any business venture, however, you will need to prepare. Do You Have What it Takes? Perhaps youve researched your own family tree for a few years, taken a few classes, and maybe have even done some research for friends. But does this mean youre ready to earn money as a genealogist? That depends. The first step is to evaluate your qualifications and skills. How many years have you been seriously involved with genealogy research? How strong are your methodology skills? Are you familiar with properly citing sources, creating abstracts and extracts, and the genealogical proof standard? Do you belong to and participate in genealogical societies? Are you able to write a clear and concise research report? Evaluate your professional preparedness by taking stock of your strengths and weaknesses. Bone Up On Your Skills Follow up your evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses with education in the form of classes, conferences and professional reading to fill in any holes in your knowledge or experience. Id suggest putting Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers and Librarians (edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2001) at the top of your reading list! I also recommend joining the Association of Professional Genealogists and/or other professional organizations so that you can benefit from the experience and wisdom of other genealogy professionals. They also offer a two-day Professional Management Conference (PMC) each year in conjunction with the Federation of Genealogical Societies conference which covers topics specifically geared to genealogists working in their profession. Consider Your Goal Making a living as a genealogist can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Besides the standard genealogical research conducted for individuals, you can also specialize in finding missing people for the military or other organizations, working as a probate or heir searcher, offering on-site photography, writing articles or books for the popular press, conducting family history interviews, designing and running Web sites for genealogical societies and organizations, or writing or assembling family histories. Use your experience and interests to help choose a niche for your genealogical business. You can choose more than one, but it is also good not to spread yourself too thin. Create a Business Plan Many genealogists consider their work a hobby and dont feel that it warrants anything as serious or formal as a business plan. Or that it is only important if youre applying for a grant or a loan. But if youre planning to make a living from your genealogy skills, you need to begin by taking them seriously. A good mission statement and business plan sums up the path we plan to follow, and helps us to succinctly explain our services to prospective clients. A good business plan includes the following: an executive summary overviewing the business name and location, your name and experience, and the mission statement.a list of products and services offered by your businessa description and analysis of the genealogy industry, including the local competition and its experience, services, pricing structure, and their length of time in business.a marketing strategy including anything which makes our service unique (such as location near a valuable genealogical repository or any unusual experience) and a description of the pricing for our services. More: Business Plan Basics Set Realistic Fees One of the most common questions asked by genealogists just starting out in business for themselves is how much to charge. As you might expect, there is no clear cut answer. Basically, your hourly rate should take into account your level of experience; the profit you hope to realize from your business as it relates to the amount of time you can devote to your business each week; the local market and competition; and the start-up and operating expenses you plan to incur. Dont sell yourself short by undercutting what your time and experience is worth, but also dont charge more than the market will bear. Stock Up on Supplies The nice thing about a genealogy-based business is you typically wont have a lot of overhead. You most likely already have many of the things you will need if you love genealogy enough to want to pursue it as a career. A computer and Internet access is helpful, along with subscriptions to major genealogy Web sites -- especially those that cover your primary areas of interest. A good car or other transportation to get you to the courthouse, FHC, library, and other repositories. A filing drawer or cabinet to house your client files. Office supplies for organization, correspondence, etc. Market Your Business I could write an entire book (or at least a chapter) on marketing your genealogy business. Instead, Ill just point you to the chapter on Marketing Strategies by Elizabeth Kelley Kerstens, CG in Professional Genealogy. In it she covers all aspects of marketing, including researching the competition, creating business cards and flyers, putting up a Web site for your genealogy business, and other marketing strategies. I have two tips for you: 1) Check the membership roster of APG and local societies to find other genealogists who are working in your geographic location or area of expertise. 2) Contact libraries, archives and genealogical societies in your area and ask to be added to their list of genealogical researchers. Next Certification, Client Reports, Other Skills Starting a Genealogy Business, page 1 Get Certified While it isnt necessary to work in the genealogy field, certification in genealogy provides validation of your research skills and helps assure a client that you are producing quality research and writing and that your credentials are backed by a professional body. In the U.S., two major groups offer professional testing and credentialing for genealogists - the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) and the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen). Similar organizations exist in other countries. Further Requirements There are a variety of other skills and requirements that go into operating a genealogy business that arent covered in this introductory article. As an independent contractor or sole proprietor, youll need to familiarize yourself with the financial and legal ramifications of operating your own business. You will also need to learn how to develop a contract, write a good client report and keep track of your time and expenses. Suggestions for further research and education on these and other topics include connecting with other professional genealogists, attending the APG PMC conference discussed previously, or enrolling in a ProGen Study Group, which employs an innovative method of collaborative learning focused on developing genealogical research skills and business practices. You dont need to do it all at once, but you will also want to be adequately prepared before you start out. Professionalism is critical in the field of genealogy and once youve damaged your professional credibil ity through shoddy work or disorganization, its hard to repair. Kimberly Powell, About.coms Genealogy expert since 2000, is a professional genealogist, past president of the Association of Professional Genealogists, and  author of The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy, 3rd Edition. Click here for more information on Kimberly Powell.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay - 1899 Words

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy developed by Aaron Beck in the early 1960s (Beck, 2011). Its roots lay in famous theories and models, such as: Pavlov and his dogs, Albert Bandura, and Albert Ellis. (Coady Leeman, 2008). CBT is directed towards solving existing problems and modifying dysfunctional thinking by therapist using structured, goal oriented, short term sessions. The goal of CBT is to change the client’s patterns of thinking or behavior that are the root of the client’s difficulties. By changing the client’s thinking and behavior, the results change how they feel. The cognitive model recognizes the influence dysfunctional thinking has on the client’s mood and behavior. Clients who can evaluate their thinking realistically can improve their emotional state. The relevance of using CBT on this client is her automatic thoughts resulting from seeing older men in public. The client admits when she sees older men to automatically wonders what he does for a living and if he likes to â€Å"get busy and party.† The Client states while she has been in treatment she has seen older men while out of the facility. She becomes sad knowing she can’t make money and feels depressed; however, she knows her past lifestyle must change in order for her to recover. The Client’s automatic thoughts of seeing older men causing her to become depressed and must be modified. More and more practitioners are using evidence basedShow MoreRelatedCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )2001 Words   |  9 PagesINTRODUCTION Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is ubiquitous and a proven approach to treatment for a host of diverse psychological difficulties (Wedding Corsini, 2014). There are copious of acceptable created experiments that show to be highly useful in treating anxiety disorders through GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder approach (Fawn Spiegler, 2008). The purpose of this assignment is to expound on the client’s demography and demonstrating concern. The first procedure in this assignment willRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )937 Words   |  4 PagesFirst and foremost, what is cognitive behavioral therapy? The Mayo Clinic website defines cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a common type of psychotherapy, talk therapy, wherein the individual seeking therapy works with a mental health counselor in a structured way for a prescribed set of meeting. (web citation) CBT is a goal oriented therapeutic approach which allows the individual in therapy to identify troubling situations or conditions in their life; allows the individual to become awareRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1373 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature Review Cognitive behavioral therapy is a widely-used technique that is practiced in a variety of different fields across the spectrum. Cognitive behavioral therapy is derived from the cognitive behavioral theory. According to Dorflinger (2016), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapy approach that addresses maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that can negatively impact mood and overall function (p. 1286). Cognitive behavioral therapy is a mix between cognitive therapy and behaviorRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1257 Words   |  6 Pages Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, empirically valid amalgamation of facets from cognitive and behavior therapies. Cognitive-behaviorists believe that psychological problems stem from maladaptivity in both thought and behavior patterns, whether self-taught or learned from others. Therefore, changes have to take place in both thoughts and actions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is structured as collaboration between clie nt and therapist, focusing on the present. A prominent aspectRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay935 Words   |  4 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that is based on a combination of cognitive and behavioral therapy. CBT focuses on how a person’s distorted thought process and inaccurate belief system influences their mood and behaviors. Once it can be identified, the blended therapy aims to change a person’s thinking to be more adaptive and healthy, which will lead to change unhealthy behavior patterns (National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). This type of psychotherapy has beenRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1697 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one therapeutic approach that is capable of providing this group with effective psychotherapeutic treatment and interventions as well as approaches that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of group therapy. Often developed for sk ills training, cognitive-behavioral groups are characterized by the use of practical interventions focused on behavior modification techniques (Wilson, Bouffard, and Mackenzie; 2005). The therapeutic goal of cognitive behavioralRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1417 Words   |  6 Pagesgoals. In review of Elizabeth’s assessment, the models of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy will be reviewed in detail to determine which is best to be applied to her presenting clinical symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely utilized intervention within the field of social work practice. According to Hepworth (2011), it is considered to be the cornerstone of cognitive behavioral approaches (p.408-09). CBT focuses on the premise that thoughts trigger an emotionalRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay1717 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an insight-focused therapy that emphasizes the here-and-now. It is typically brief and time-limited, collaborative in nature, fairly structured and empirically based (Freeman, Felgoise, Nezu, Nezu, Reinecke, 2005). Aaron Beck is a major name that arises when discussing the origins of CBT. Beck (1970) contends that individual perceptions of events shape feelings and behaviors. This theory places emphasis on the concept of automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughtsRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1990 Words   |  8 PagesCognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a branch of ps ychotherapy that encompasses several approaches; falling under the heading of CBT. CBT is based on the premise that people s emotional responses and behavior are strongly influenced by cognitions; the fundamental principle being: different cognitions give rise to different emotions and behaviors. CBT was developed out of a combination of both behavior and cognitive principles. CBT is the most empirically supported therapy model and is used toRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )2209 Words   |  9 Pagesto get the support they need because they do not have the appropriate resources. Furthermore, both therapy and medication do cost a price and not everyone is able to afford it. Treatment, such as therapy, is extremely important for people who suffer from anxiety and depression so that they are able to learn new strategies and overcome their struggles. In particular, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has become very popular and is currently being used by many practitioners in order to change patterns

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

High School Students the Exit Exam free essay sample

Should high school seniors be required to pass a statewide exam in order to graduate? A high school graduation examination is a test that students must pass to receive a diploma and graduate from high school. These are usually criterion-reference test which were implemented as part of a comprehensive standard-based education reform program which sets in place new standards intended to increase that learning of all students. High school students should be required to pass a basic capability in reading, writing, and arithmetic. An exit exam is a uniform way to measure basic skills, without human scoring, which can sometimes be bias. Twenty-six states require high school students to pass an exit exam. No child left behind act of 2001 is considered to be one of the main causes and catalyst for the rise in exit-exams. Exit exams can be a critical for lever or incentive for encouraging students to reach higher standards. We will write a custom essay sample on High School Students the Exit Exam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Across the nation about 42% of community college freshman enroll at least one remedial course, thus a vast majority of students are lacking the basic skills, thus America’s high schools are not preparing many of their students for the demand of both college and the modern workforce. There a number of benefits that stem from statewide exit exams the results of the exams are valuable in that they demonstrate not only which students need additional preparation but which students need additional preparation but also they demonstrate what areas of the curriculum needs improvement. The resources available and accessible today are astonishing to help prepare students. Teacher, students, and parents should all be held accountable for high school students learning the basic skills needed to pass a statewide exit exam. The exams are based on eight and tenth grade basic academic content. Many parents, educators, and critics of the exit exams argue they favor white students and suburban school districts with higher budgets than city school districts, these arguments are unfounded.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

5 Steps on How to Sound like Mozart in a Music Term Paper Full Guide

5 Steps on How to Sound like Mozart in a Music Term Paper Full Guide Everyone has apparently heard about such a great composer as Mozart. His symphonies are surely listened by thousands all over the world. In fact, his musical works have been celebrated, studied, and performed when he hardly began composing music. Always want to know what inspires people to create prominent art pieces? We hope that our complete guide on how to write a music term paper will be effective for writing your music term paper. As an academic paper is referred to music, get inspired by the famous Mozart’s works to establish fame as a brilliant student at a college or university. What Topics Can Be Covered in My Term Paper? As a term paper is the main research that is written by a student for a particular class or subject during the school year, the topics must: Refer to the subject in which you are going to write a paper. If you’re a student of Music, find a topic that would be related to the main concepts in music genres, styles, history, expressive techniques, etc. Limit the research area in which you’re going to investigate a topic. If a topic is too broad or narrow, it will be difficult to research. Even if the research area is Music, specify what you’re going to work on. Be reasonably practical in the academic world. If a topic interests only you as a researcher (maybe, it seems to you that it is easy to deal with it), be sure that it may be of little interest among the others. Choose the topic that could double the value of your work. The following list of topics meets all the criteria above mentioned. All of them are divided into subcategories. Just look at the topics and start to work on one of them. Genres of music. There are various genres of music to speak about. Don’t talk about taste in music. Be objective while presenting genres. For example, you can explain how they affect the listener. Orchestral and Symphonic Music: Main Features that Attract the Listener; Jazz Age: Its Role in World Culture; Reggae Music: Identity, Place, and Representatives. History of music. According to the BBC article, the prehistory of music begins about 40,000 years ago. It means there are some issues that can interest the modern scientists. Early Humans and Music: What Are the First Forms of Music Expression; The History of Country Music: From the Early 1920s to Present; The Origins of Popular Music: Its Distribution to Large Audiences. Philosophy of music. By nature, a human being is always engaged in philosophical speculation. Music is an area in which people have different philosophical perspectives as well. Musical Perceptions Differ from Generation to Generation; A Phenomenology of Music: What Is Beyond the Sound Phenomena?; Aesthetics of Music: What Makes Music Aesthetically Pleasing? Music in Commercials. Nowadays, music is everywhere. Many commercial companies use music as an effective way to influence an audience. Does Really Music Affect Brand Perception?; The Meaning of Music for Commercial Needs: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why; What Types of Music Are Used by Commercials? Music as therapy. Today it is possible to receive treatment in different ways. One such means is music therapy. The Effects of Music Therapy on Human Health: Is It Effective Today?; Practical Means of Using Music with the Therapeutic Effect; Approaches to Music Therapy Used in the 21st Century. If you decide to deal with the topics suggested in the list, you should read all the available background material. It allows you to: get an overview of the topic; know how many information sources you can rely on; appreciate the research rationale. How to Select a Topic for My Term Paper by Doing It Myself? After all, find it hard to know what topic exactly suits your academic interest? You have several options choose something interesting from our list or invent your own. Try to choose the most valuable one on your own like the ability to develop a good research topic is not less important than the writing skills. Focus on keywords or concepts that may be interesting for you in Music. Like composers and their outstanding artworks? Write them down. Proceeding from keywords, you can go ahead. Define the narrow aspect from which you’ll use the keywords. Want to discuss the effects of music on human beings? It isn’t a good idea to investigate this issue from the perspective of musical trends. Focus on your research questions. Know what you want to cover in a research paper? Great! Specify the questions that you want to answer while researching. Start researching a topic to answer questions. Asked yourself but don’t know the detailed answers to the research questions? You can read the encyclopedia articles, for example, the Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Don’t be afraid to modify your topic during the research process. After you decide on what topic you’ll explore on paper, be ready to change it slightly. This is normal practice when a researcher finds some aspects more interesting and feasible. Remember that you need to do some research and reading before the final topic can be selected. On these grounds, it is reasonable to think of writing a term paper in advance. What Strategies Are Effective for My Term Paper Writing? Most college students are so impatient that skip the essential stage prewriting. As a rule, such impatience often turns out to be costly. Moreover, the kind of writing without proper preparation can be much more time-consuming than you can imagine. What is better for a carpenter to prepare all necessary wooden objects beforehand and then work with them altogether, or work with a wooden object, then go to the woods to take one more, and do it again and again? Think of the writing process like in any job. Take enough time to plan and get your ideas organized on paper. Only after that, you should start the first draft. The Writing Center of the University of Kansas offers some useful prewriting strategies. To write a term paper, you are highly recommended to: Use mind mapping. It is a graphic way to capture all your ideas. You place a topic in the center of the page and draw a circle around it. Different words, phrases, and ideas that come to your mind are written around and circled as well. Connect the related circles. Continue as long as you have the complex map of your thoughts. Below is an example of a mind map created for the topic: ‘Cultural Production of the 21st Century: Is a Remix Reality or Invention?’ Make an outline. It is an important skill that every student should have. It involves the ability to present the main ideas or facts about something, without giving details. This way of organizing your thoughts saves greatly your time. Start freewriting. It means that you’ll start expressing all your ideas from your head on paper or computer screen in full. Concentrate on writing itself without paying attention to grammar, spelling or punctuation. Just write for 5-10 minutes non-stop. If you adopt all these strategies for your writing, be 100% sure that you will stop struggle with any written assignment. What Steps Are Vital for Writing A Research Paper? The procedure of writing is definite and should be followed to produce an A+ term paper. Our step-by-step guide is to help you to know the peculiarities of good academic papers. 1.  Ã‚   Hunt for Information Sources Asking, â€Å"Where to find sources that would add credibility to my research paper?† Firstly, you should know what type of information is needed: Want to know the latest news? Visit such broadcast media sites as BBC or PBS. Need the background information? Consult an encyclopedia. Want to underpin your paper with the statistical data? Click on the statistical portal. Need research on a topic? Find scholarly articles by subject from the database. Need information on music events? Scroll the website of a popular magazine. Secondly, you should know 3 types of sources: Primary sources present the original materials on which your research can be based. They are speeches, reports, articles, surveys, dissertations, recordings, artworks, etc. Secondary sources contain the information provided by primary sources. Examples of secondary sources are bibliographies, reviews, monographs, etc. Tertiary sources provide an overview of what the topic includes (a terminology, the background information). They include dictionaries, encyclopedias, guidebooks, indexes, etc. However, they aren’t so acceptable in academic researches as the previous ones. After you find a necessary source from which you can take information for your research paper, you need to have a notebook at hand. Just write down the author’s name, some facts or evidence near it and a page number if it is a book. It will be much easier to fill in a reference page. Additionally, there are more chances to grasp some valuable ideas while browsing through resources. 2.  Ã‚   Draw an Outline of Your Term Paper Previously, we explained why it is important to outline any paper. It’s time to get prepared for excellent writing. Only if a properly structured outline is in front of your eyes, you’ll manage to structure the whole research paper properly as well. Take care to mention all the necessary points. Then, you can delete some if you consider them unessential for your term paper. 3.  Ã‚   Work on the First Draft After notetaking, creating an outline, it is quite significant to write drafts, at least a draft. It is just a rough copy that you will have to shape, edit and strengthen along the way towards an A+ term paper. Focus on the content. Measure the flow of information mentioned in an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Stick to the point; Compose logically complete parts; Vary sentence length from simple to complex. Use smooth transitions between sentences; Avoid too long sentences and too short paragraphs. 4.  Ã‚   Write the Final Version of a Term Paper Now, you’re ready to start writing a term paper with the detailed presentation of the factual evidence, a proper structure, a reasonable accuracy. Pay attention to the features of an academic paper. It should attempt to be accurate, impersonal and objective. Study some examples of writing in your subject area. Then, you can proceed to your own writing by developing your own writing style. 5.  Ã‚   Give the Finishing Touches to Your Paper Yes, you can breathe out after the full point is placed at the end of your paper. However, you shouldn’t ignore the stage where the final editing is planned. Look through your paper several times. It would be much better if you could find enough time to read it aloud several times. You’ll be able to notice all possible errors in grammar or spelling. Be as precise as possible when giving facts or figures, and providing someone’s words a name, source, year, page should be noted. Keep in mind that there is a notable difference between citation styles (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.) Check your assignment to be sure that you write according to the particular formatting style. Well done! Finally, your paper can be successfully submitted if you follow properly all the steps in pre-writing/writing/post-writing. You will notice how simple it becomes to deal with a term paper if you’re supported with the correct guidelines from your instructor or our professional custom paper writing service.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

NYU, New York University and Early Decision

NYU, New York University and Early Decision If you know that NYU is the school that you most want to attend, applying through tone of the universitys early decision options might be a wise choice. Key Takeaways: NYU and Early Decision NYU has two early decision options: Early Decision I has a November 1st deadline, and Early Decision II has a January 1st deadline.Applying early decision is one of the best ways to demonstrate your sincere interest in NYU, and it can improve your chances of getting in.Early decision is binding. If admitted, you are required to attend. The Advantages of Early Decision If you have a clear first-choice college that is highly selective, you should certainly consider applying early decision or early action if these options are available. At the great majority of colleges, the acceptance rate is higher for students who apply early; this point is remarkably clear in this early application information for the Ivy League. NYUs admissions website notes that for the class of 2021, the overall admit rate was 28 percent, while the admit rate for early decision was 38 percent. Note that this means that applying early increases your chances of admission by more than 10 percent, for the overall admit rate includes the early decision student pool. There are several reasons why you have a better chance of admission when applying early. For one, students who are able to get their applications together in October are clearly ambitious, organized, and good time managers. These are all traits possessed by successful college students. Also, colleges frequently use demonstrated interest as a factor when evaluating applications. A student who applies early is clearly interested. This is particularly true for early decision since applicants can apply to only one school through an early decision option. Finally, early decision applicants have the advantage of learning the decision of the admissions office early. Students who apply through NYUs Early Decision I will receive their decision by December 15th, and those who apply through Early Decision II get a decision by February 15th. Regular decision applicants dont receive a decision until April 1st. The Drawbacks of Early Decision If you know that New York University is your top choice school and you are able to complete a strong application by the deadline, early decision is definitely the way to go. The option, however, is not for everyone, and it does have a few drawbacks: Early decision is binding. If you are admitted, you are required to attend, and you must withdraw all of your other college applications.Because early decision is binding, you wont be able to compare different financial aid offers from multiple schools.If you are applying Early Decision I, you need to request letters of recommendation as soon as the school year starts, and youll want to take the SAT or ACT early.If youre doing well academically in your senior year, the admissions staff at NYU will likely be making a decision before they see any of your senior year grades. However, early decision does have its drawbacks. The most obvious of these is that the deadline is, well, early. Its often difficult to have SAT or ACT scores in hand by the end of October or early November, and you may want to have some of your senior grades and extracurricular accomplishments as part of your application. NYU's Early Decision Policies NYU changed its application options in 2010 to expand the early decision applicant pool. The prestigious Manhattan university now has two early decision deadlines NYU Application Options Option Application Deadline Decision Early Decision I November 1 December 15 Early Decision II January 1 February 15 Regular Decision January 1 April 1 If youre familiar with NYU, you may be wondering how January 1st is considered early. After all, the regular admission deadline is also January 1st. The answer has to do with the nature of early decision. If you are accepted under early decision, NYUs policy states that you must withdraw all applications you may have submitted to other colleges, and ... pay a tuition deposit within three weeks of notification. For regular admissions, nothing is binding and you have until May 1st to make a decision about which college to attend. In short, NYUs Early Decision II option is a way for students to tell the university that NYU is their first choice and they will definitely attend NYU if accepted. While the deadline is the same as regular admission, students who apply under Early Decision II can clearly demonstrate their interest in NYU. Early Decision II applicants have the added perk that they will receive a decision from NYU by mid-February, over a month early than applicants in the regular decision pool. NYU does not indicate if Early Decision I has any advantage over Early Decision II. However, Early Decision I applicants are clearly telling NYU that the university is their first choice. The timing of Early Decision II is such that an applicant can be rejected through Early Decision at another university, and still apply in time for Early Decision II at NYU. So for Early Decision II applicants, NYU might be their second choice school. If NYU is definitely your first choice school, it may be to your advantage to apply Early Decision I. A Final Word About NYU and Early Decision Do not apply early decision to NYU or any college unless you are absolutely sure that the school is your first choice. Early decision (unlike early action) is binding, and if you change your mind you will lose a deposit, violate your contract with the early decision school, and even run the risk of having applications at other schools voided. You should also avoid early decision if you are concerned about financial aid and what the option of shopping around for the best offer.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Ethical Issues in Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical Issues in Information Systems - Essay Example The issue has also posed a problem of accountability for the consequences of information systems and set standards to safeguard system quality. The extensive use of internet technology has posed new challenges for the safeguarding of individual privacy. Information set over the vast network may have to go through many different computer systems prior to reaching the intended recipient. Each of the systems can monitor, capture, and store the information that go through it. The new technologies can allow a person to record all online activities and Internet usage of employees, customers (both potential and existing), and the general mass around the globe. In most cases, the people do not know that their activities are carefully monitored (Zhang, 2011). The organizations can use cookies, web bugs, spyware and other intrusive software to spy on people (Williams, 2002). The U.S. has allowed organizations to collect transaction information via systems for the sole purpose of marketing. However, user privacy during interaction with websites needs protection. Thus, technical solutions exist for this purpose. Many specialized tools offer encryption of email and surfing activities to make the online activities anonymous. Others allow the client computers to reject cookies. Still, other devices detect and eliminate spyware. Some tools also help users to determine the type of personal data that websites can extract. The technological tools are helpful since they ensure that personal data of the user does not leak all over the network. Modern information systems have challenged current laws and social properties that safeguard private intellectual property. According to Williams (20020, it is because ill-intentioned persons can easily copy and distribute computerized information. Unlike physical media (like books, CDs, and journals), digital media is easy to replicate, transmit,

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Erectile dysfunction & Gender Identity disorder Essay

Erectile dysfunction & Gender Identity disorder - Essay Example As an erection is so intrinsically tied to masculinity, not being able to achieve one often attacks a man’s sense of his own man-hood. He feels shame and guilt, which often instigates further issues in achieving an erection. In this particular case, a differential diagnosis is helpful because the inability to achieve an erection is caused by a myriad of factors, ranging from daily routine, to physical ailments, and to psychological problems. In creating a list of these three areas, doctors are able to ascertain which area, or what combination of factors is causing the problem. Understanding the root of the problem, which is frequently caused by issues outside of the man’s sexual life, will enable doctors to create an appropriate treatment to rectify the problem. This treatment may take the form of a healthier lifestyle, which involves limiting smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy foods, recreational drug use, lack of sleep, etc. These issues may also contribute to physic al ailments which are contributing to the problem, such as obesity. Finally, the doctor can address the psychological problems involved in the disorder, including feelings of self worth, a possible history of sexual abuse, stress at work, and marital and familial problems. The video included two men, both of which were Caucasian and, presumably, from the middle class. Historically, White men have not had to explain their sexuality, nor have they experienced attacks on their sexuality in terms of being defined as barbaric, as seen in the depiction of African males, or as too effeminate, as seen in the depiction of Asian males. In this regard, White males may be more inclined to visit a doctor and receive the necessary treatment to cure the problem. However, the significance of machismo or the centrality of the male in gender relations may prevent a non-White

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Gate Keeping Essay Example for Free

Gate Keeping Essay There are many processes a newspaper must go through before it can be sold in a newsagent and lots of people are involved in making just one article. The process that makes this article is called Gate keeping. To begin with, the news is first caught hold of by the news agencies, who then sell the stories to the news media. The copy taster then makes a quick selection of stories they consider news worthy to the paper they are working for, although they only dismiss the obvious non news worthy stories as they dont hold a great deal of responsibility. What they consider suitable they send off to the news editor. It is the news editors job to make a definitive judgment if which stories will be followed up and which ones will not. They decide what angle to take on the story according to what perceptions they want to portray to the reader. They then select, in their own opinion, reporters and photographers they consider suitable to create the story. However, if the story took place in another county, a foreign news editor will be assigned to this job instead. Photographers and reporters work on the same time scale. They decide how to display the information, and it is their job to research the story before working on it so that they have their facts clear (this also comes into importance when the story is handed to the sub editor). This might include going to the site the event took place, going to interviews, searching the library or the internet. The reporters will then write up the story taking into consideration what the news editor has suggested to them. Their copy must be given to the news editor before the deadline. The news editor will then check it, and make sure it has taken the correct angles and spins. If it has not they will give it back to the reporter with suggestions of how to make it more news worthy. The photographers discuss with the head photographer what photos will be best suited to the story. They then research the story, and their prints must be developed and handed to the picture editor by the deadline stated. It is the picture editors responsibility to crop and enlarge the photos, to best fit the story. Everything is then handed to the sub editor who will then correct spelling and grammar, write eye catching headlines and captions, check that the story is within the law, i.e. so no one can take legal action against the newspaper. They also decide the layout of the article, making sure words dont overlap pictures etc. Everything is then handed to the editor who then writes an editorial and is in charge of advertising. Designers are employed to create adverts and work on features. For smaller articles in the newspaper, a features editor is employed. Therefore a newspaper begins at a news agency and end up at a newsagent.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Global Positioning System: Decreasing Crop Chemical Application on wit

Decreasing Chemical Application with Technology Works Cited Not Included Many people may wonder why it is so important to decrease chemical application on the farm. When people go to the store they often do not think about what goes into the apple or piece of bread they eat. The more chemicals that farmers use on the crops that are sold to the general public increase the chance that those chemicals get into the food we eat. There are many ways that the government and farmers are trying to reduce the amount of chemicals they are using. These range from simply doing crop rotation to genetically modifying plants and animals. Some of the most common ways farmers are decreasing chemical application with technology are biotechnology, GPS units, and improved equipment. These are all ways that will help reduce the amount of chemicals that get from the field to the dinner table. Biotechnology refers generally to the application of a wide range of scientific techniques to the modification and improvement of plants, animals, and microorganisms that are of the economic importance. (Persley, Gabrielle pg. 1). Biotechnology has occurred in two stages. In the first stage, genetic modifications have included input traits such as pest resistance and herbicide tolerance, providing advantages to farmers in the production phase without changing the final product. The input traits of the first stages in genetically modified crops may increase farmers’ net profits through savings in production costs, reducing chemical use, increased flexibility in crops planted, and in some cases increased crop yield. The second stage of genetic modification will focus on output traits such as improved nutritional features and proc... ...nd more atomization fewer chemicals will have to be used and it will reduce the amount of chemicals that are wasted. In conclusion I hope that this information will help explain the ways that biotechnology, Global Positioning Systems and advanced equipment can help reduce the amount of chemicals that are used on the farm. Biotechnology is not a bad idea and is possibly the only way that we can keep up with ever changing weeds and pests. GPS system can help improve field records and give you more precise farming and will pay for themselves in the end. Last but not least always look for new advanced technology and don’t be afraid of it. Technology is always changing and every day there are new advances in this field that can help farmers produce more with fewer chemicals so that in the end fewer chemicals will reach the dinner table.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Money Brings Happiness?

Name: Nguy? n Th? Thu Hi? n Class: Lu? t anh 2 Homework: Many pepple think that money brings happiness. Do you agree with them. Why or why not? Essay: â€Å"Does money bring happiness? † This is the question that everyone has the different answers. I agree with many people about money brings happiness. Money helps we have material comforts and spiritual joy. In fact, if we have no money, we can’t buy goods, clothes, and other necessaries which we need. If we have a lot of money, we can improve our spiritual activities easily.We can go to the movies every weekend, and we can buy any expensive gifts for the people who we love. Money helps the poor have a will-fed life. For the rich, money helps them have pure happiness because they can help the poor and the victims of the disasters. It is said that: â€Å" Money is the root of all evil. † No, it is not true. Money is normally the fruit of labour. The question is how one spends that money. There is nothing good or e vil about money. The same money which can help bring relief to the suffering millions, can be used to build up armaments.The power decides how to spend the money. ————————————————- In summary, the money brings happiness only when we use it properly. The right use of money may bring us a comfortable life and a cheerful heart. Ng? c Tho? i Nguy? n Being poor can certainly bring unhappiness, but having money does not guarantee happiness. Some people assume that because extreme poverty brings extreme unhappiness that the opposite must be true. It is not. There are a lot of very unhappy very rich people.Acquiring money can too easily become the center of life's focus and that can become an obsession. Like most obsessions, it's not a good thing. The Bible says that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. That seems to be a universal truth. When you love money more than anything else in life you will find that you can never get enough of it. When life only revolves around getting money you start to obsess over what it can bring you and then you lose any chance of happiness. ————————————————- The happiest people I know are not the richest.They are the people who have learned to be happy with what they have and make the most of life. I have seen people made deeply miserable by poverty, but at the same time I have seen relatively poor people who are happy because they have a positive and thankful attitude about life. Nguyen Khac Hoang: We are living in the 21th century, when many new inventions have discovered. As far as I know, one of them, which has big influence over the world is internet. So do you wonder: â€Å" Why do they like to use the Internet? † The internet always brings a better life.In fact, without internet people are alive and still exist but nobody can deny the benefits of the it. Firstly, it’s a source of information. People can get the latest information about weather forecast, daily events all around the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. at any time as well. Before the Internet was invented, people can’t get the information as fast as now, they must watch TV programs, buy newspapers or magazines. Thanks to Internet, we can widen our knowledge in an inexpensive and convenient way. Secondly, Internet is a source of entertainment. If y feel tired of bored, y can listen to music or watch any films y like.Moreover, many people like to play games on the Internet because they are very interesting, wonderful and this doesn’t cost as much. You can also communicate with friends or ralatives by means of e-mail or chatting. Thirdly, Internet is a good mean of education. Teachers can teach on the Internet. Students can find various kinds of tests to do. In addition, they now can use the Internet as a time – saving decide by online schools or online lessons. In conclusion, almost every aspect of our life is concerned with the Internet. It’s a wonderful invention of our modern life. It makes our world a small village.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Archaeology and Prehistory of Cuba

Cuba is the largest of the Caribbean islands and one of the closest to the mainland. People, probably coming from Central America, first settled on Cuba around 4200 BC. Archaic Cuba Many of the oldest sites in Cuba are located in caves and rock shelters on the interior valleys and along the coast. Among these, the Levisa rock shelter, in the Levisa river valley, is the most ancient, dating to about 4000 BC. Archaic period sites usually include workshops with stone tools, such as small blades, hammer stones and polished stone balls, shell artifacts, and pendants. In few of these cave sites burial areas and examples of pictographs have been recorded. Most of these ancient sites were located along the coast and the change in sea levels has now submerged any evidence. In Western Cuba, hunter-gatherer groups, such as the early Ciboneys, maintained this pre-ceramic life style well into the Fifteenth century and after. Cuba First Pottery Pottery first appeared on Cuba around AD 800. In this period, Cuban cultures experienced an intense interaction with people from other Caribbean Islands, especially from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. For this reason, some archaeologists suggest that the introduction of pottery was due to groups of migrants from these islands. Others, instead, opt for a local innovation. The site of Arroyo del Palo, a small site in eastern Cuba, contains one of the earliest pottery examples in association with stone artifacts typical of the previous Archaic phase. Taino Culture in Cuba Taà ­no groups seem to have arrived at Cuba around AD 300, importing a farming life style. Most of the Taino settlements in Cuba were located in the easternmost region of the island. Sites such as La Campana, El Mango and Pueblo Viejo were large villages with large plazas and the typical Taà ­nos enclosed areas. Other important sites include the burial area of Chorro de Maà ­ta, and Los Buchillones, a well-preserved pile dwelling site on the north coast of Cuba. Cuba was among the first of the Caribbean Islands to be visited by the Europeans, during the first of Columbus voyages in 1492. It was conquered by the Spanish conquistador Diego de Velasquez in 1511. Archaeological Sites in Cuba Levisa rock shelterCueva FuncheSeborucoLos BuchillonesMonte CristoCayo RedondoArroyo del PaloBig Wall SitePueblo ViejoLa CampanaEl MangoChorro de Maà ­ta. Sources This glossary entry is a part of the guide to Caribbean, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Saunders Nicholas J., 2005, The Peoples of the Caribbean. An Encyclopedia of Archaeology and Traditional Culture. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, California. Wilson, Samuel, 2007, The Archaeology of the Caribbean, Cambridge World Archaeology Series. Cambridge University Press, New York