Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reasearch proprosal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Reasearch proprosal - Coursework Example The experimenter will read journals and check databases for previous research in this area. Case studies specific to Montserratian immigrants will be looked at. There will be looking in depth, at the areas these immigrants dominated and changes that has occurred overtime in these regions. Statistical evidence will be explored to determine the number of Montserratians residing in England in comparison to 1995 as a result of the volcanic eruption. A survey and semi-formal interviews will also be carried out with immigrants in order to test this hypothesis. On completion there should be an understanding if there is a profound change in the areas immigrants occupied. These changes could be political, social or economical. Census and crime statistics data will provide an adequate rationale to support the hypothesis. Considerable research has been conducted referencing environmental disasters and migration of people from danger zones to safer locations internationally. In 1995, the island of Montserrat experienced a devastating volcanic eruption. As T. H. Druitt and B. P. Kokelaar write, â€Å"About half of this emerald Isle was rendered barren and uninhabitable, almost two-thirds of the original population had to leave, and 19 lives were lost, all as a direct result of the volcanic activity.† (Druitt & Kokelaar, 2002) This research project seeks to further investigate the effect of this natural disaster on migration of people from the island of Montserrat in the period after the volcanic eruption. The methodology for this research will include quantitative approaches based in statistics from the UK Migration database as well as qualitative research drawn from interviews with Montserrat islanders. This case study should be of value for reference within the larger body of research related to migration patterns following natural disasters. Research on the migration patterns that follow natural disasters is important for social planning,

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