Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Value of Virginity in Different Parts of the World Essay Example For Students

The Value of Virginity in Different Parts of the World Essay The purpose of this research is to evaluate the value given to virginity in different parts tooth world. According to Wakefield, a virgin is, originally, a woman who has never had sexual intercourse. Virginity is a state of being a virgin, It is derived trot the Latin word Virgo, meaning a sexually inexperienced woman (Wakefield). There are several reasons why many societies value virginity in unmarried woman or girls. The reasons range from mens dominant nature, to family values, to religion, and to some monetary or proper gain. In most societies, women have always been dominated by men. Men feel more secure to have a virgin bride. It is a source of pride and satisfaction for a man to know that no one else has touched his bride or wife except him. This feeling has driven many societies ideology about the importance Of virginity among young girls, apart from that Virginity is seen as a symbol of purity, self control, and decency (George). Another reason Why virginity was so valued by some societies is because Of the stigma attached to having a bastard child. We will write a custom essay on The Value of Virginity in Different Parts of the World specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Most families expect their young girls to remain virgins because if they get impregnated before marriage, it becomes he problem of the family to bear the shame of having a bastard born in their family. In addition to that, in many societies, it is just a moral issue-sex is accepted only after marriage (Abramson), With the invention of contraceptives, pregnancy became of less concern, however, the most important reason why virginity is valued in most modern societies is because of religion. In both Christianity and Islam, sex before marriage is condemned In Christianity, it is not only sexual penetration that is condemned, but other lewd sexual activities are also prohibited (George), Virginity is a serious matter in most Islamic countries. From my experience (my wife is from an Islamic country), learned that if a girl loses her virginity, her father can beat or even kill her. There are many instances verge the brothers of these girls were instigated to kill their sisters for losing their virginity. This is just because they (the men) believe that she has brought shame and damnation to their family. Another important reason Why virginity was valued in our history is because marriage used to be a source of gain, either as a dowry or as a contract that benefits the girls family. In some Asian countries, virginity is important because implies want to use their daughters as a source of upward mobility in the society to higher positions, to gain favor of an important family or to keep their high class status or assets. They arrange marriages to suit their needs (Abramson), In the western countries today, virginity is less valued. In fact, it is abnormal for a girl to still remain a virgin until her wedding day. If a girl is still a virgin at twenty five, she is Often ridiculed, whereas, in traditional middle Asian societies, virginity is still a big deal. Men want their brides to be virgins, and their women to be covered modestly. In Africa, some societies still highly appreciate a virgin bride. Historically, in most African cultures, a bride is supposed to be a virgin, but that ideology is changing drastically. In my survey often Nigerian men (20 to 25 years old), when asked if they prefer to marry only a virgin, only two out often men from Nigeria answered, yes! Two of them will appreciate it, but would not care if their brides are not virgins while the rest of them dismissed the idea that virginity is important for marital satisfaction. In a survey published in London on The Economic Times titled, Asians Losing their Virginity (07/04/2007). The report as shoved bellow, even though it does not specie/ if the participants were married or not before losing their virginity, it is still a reflection of the value attached to virginity in those countries. People in Asian countries, including India, lose their virginity at a much older age than those in the West, according to a worldwide study of sexual behavior and contraceptive use published today(Asians). Malaysian were the Oldest to lost their virginity at 23. 0 years Old, followed by Indians (22. 9) Singapore (22. 8), Chinese (22. 1), This (20. 5), Hong Congers (20. 2), Nigerian (19. 7) and Japanese (19. ) (Asians). On average, age for first having sex was 19. 5, according to the study The Glo bal Face of Sex, compiled by Dared Network, the social marketing arm of SSL International, which manufactures Dared condoms (Asians). The Austrian were the first to lose their virginity at 17. 3 years old, followed by Brazilian (17. 4), Germans (17. 6), New Slanderer (17 8), Australians (17. 9) and Americans (18. 0). But despite waiting longer, Malaysian came top among those who said they were the most ready for sex (41. 5 per cent), followed by the Dutch, Greeks, Americans and Australians. In contrast, Japanese, Nigerian, This and .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 , .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .postImageUrl , .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 , .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:hover , .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:visited , .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:active { border:0!important; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:active , .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44 .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub84c304073e59e9d4b9171920a4baa44:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Great Gatsby Symbolism EssayHong Congers said were the least ready for first sexual experience, with less than 13 per cent saying they were comfortable with losing their virginity when they did, Meanwhile, more than a third of Nigerian (37,S per cent) said they felt pressured into losing their virginity by far the highest percentage (Asians). In conclusion, I have observed that, families and men in countries with high context culture, for example, Mid-Asians that value religion and morals tend to value virginity in unmarried women more than in countries with low context cultures, for example, Europeans, that religion and morals has less influence. The other thing have construed from this search is that, there is a general tendency of men becoming more less concerned about the necessity of their bride to be a virgin. In my opinion, it is a good for young girls to keep their virginity for their future husbands, but it is unfair, for a man Who is sexually active to demand for a virgin bride.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Bargeboard Look of Victorian Wood Trim

The Bargeboard Look of Victorian Wood Trim Bargeboard is exterior house trim, usually ornately carved, that is attached along the roof line of a gable. Originally, this Victorian wood trim - also called vergeboard or verge board (verge being the end or edge of a thing) - Â   was used to hide the ends of rafters. It hangs from the projecting end of a gable roof. Bargeboards are often elaborately hand-crafted and found on homes in the Carpenter Gothic style and what is commonly known as the Gingerbread cottage. Bargeboards are also sometimes called gableboards and can attach to barge rafters, barge couples, fly rafters, and gable rafters. It is sometimes spelled as two words - barge board. It was commonly used throughout a growing and prosperous America in the late 1800s. Examples of bargeboard can be found on the Helen Hall House in West Dundee, Illinois (c. 1860, remodeled c. 1890) and a typical Victorian-era residence in Hudson, New York. Used as ornamentation, bargeboard must be maintained and replaced to keep the Victorian-era look on todays historic dwellings. Definitions of Bargeboard A board which hangs from the projecting end of a roof, covering the gables; often elaborately carved and ornamented in the Middle Ages.- Dictionary of Architecture and Construction Projecting boards placed against the incline of the gable of a building and hiding the ends of the horizontal roof timbers; sometimes decorated. - The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture In older homes, bargeboards may have already disintegrated, fallen off, and never replaced. The 21st century homeowner might consider adding this detail to restore a historic look to a neglected gable. Look at he many books that illustrate historic designs, and either make it yourself or contract out the job. Dover publishes several books including 200 Victorian Fretwork Designs: Borders, Panels, Medallions and Other Patterns (2006) and Roberts Illustrated Millwork Catalog: A Sourcebook of Turn-of-the-Century Architectural Woodwork (1988). Look for books that specialize in Victorian designs and house trim, especially for Victorian Gingerbread details. Why is it called barge board? So, what is a barge? Although barge can mean a type of boat, this barge comes from the Middle English word berge, meaning a sloping roof. In roof construction, a barge couple or barge rafter is the end rafter; a barge spike is a long spike used in timber construction; and a barge stone is the projecting stone when a gable is built of masonry. Bargeboard is always placed up near the roof, on the piece of roof that overhangs to form a gable. In revivals of Tudor and Gothic style architecture, the pitch of the roof can be very steep. Originally the end rafters - the barge rafters - would extend beyond the wall. These rafter ends could be hidden from view by attaching a bargeboard. The house could achieve greater decoration if the bargeboard was intricately carved. It was a functional architectural detail that has become purely ornamental and character defining. Maintenance of Victorian Wood Trim You can remove rotten bargeboard from a house without harming the structural integrity of the roof. The bargeboard is ornamental and is not necessary. However, you will change the appearance - even the character - of your home if you remove the bargeboard and do not replace it. Changing the style of a home is often not desirable. You do not have to replace rotted bargeboard with the same style if you dont want to, but youll have to check if youre in a historic district. Your local historic commission will want to see what youre doing and will often have good advice and sometimes even historic photos. You also can buy bargeboards. Today its sometimes called running trim or gable trim. Should I buy plastic bargeboard made of PVC so it wont rot? Well, you could, if your house is not in a historic district. However, because bargeboard is an architectural detail found on houses of certain historic eras, would you really want to use plastic? Youre right that PVC may last longer than wood and this trim area does have the potential for a lot of moisture runoff. But vinyl or aluminum that is sold as virtually no maintenance does require cleaning and repair, and its likely to age differently (for example, the color) than the other materials on your house. Mixing wood or masonry with plastic may make your house look a bit artificial. Bargeboard is a decorative detail that gives a house character. Think hard about detracting from the natural character of your home by using a synthetic material. Can I make my own bargeboard? Yes, you can! Buy a book of historical designs and experiment with different patterns and widths. Remember, though, that bargeboard will be easier to paint before you attach it to high places. You might even engage the local public school shop teacher to make your project into a student project. Ensure the proper permissions (e.g., historic commission, building code) before going ahead with any project that changes the look of your house. And remember - if it looks awful, you can always remove it and begin again. Sources Photo of Cape Cod Gingerbread Cottage by KenWiedemann/Getty ImagesPhoto of Helen Hall house by Teemu008 on, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 GenericPhoto of Hudson, NY house by Barry Winiker/Photolibrary/Getty ImagesDictionary of Architecture and Construction, Cyril M. Harris, ed., McGraw-Hill, 1975, p. 40The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture, 1980, p. 28

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effect of Political Issues on the Finance and Common Stock in Kuwait Research Paper

Effect of Political Issues on the Finance and Common Stock in Kuwait - Research Paper Example The history, heritage and growing development of the country have allowed Kuwait to become unique in its own way. Along with modernizations being incorporated, the country also maintains its standard traditions and cultures as well (About Kuwait). As far as the economic and financial condition of the country is concerned, Kuwait in the recent years reflected improved results in the macroeconomic issues related to the country. However, there are challenges still existing for the company needing greater developments in the social and physical infrastructure of the country. This development is required for the diversification of the economic foundation of the country. Thus although the country reflected satisfactory results as far as the fiscal and external surpluses of the country are concerned, yet the concerns are in relation to the quality of the infrastructure, health and education that also considers the gross domestic product of Kuwait (Kuwait and the IMF). However, it can be rea lized in this regard that several factors may be responsible for the finance and common stock in Kuwait. The present study focuses on learning about the political factors that may have effects on the finance and common stock in the country. ... This was also followed by the reappointment of the post of Prime Minister in the country. In the present times, the situations have become violent where protestors have been found to break into the parliament and force the Royal Family to suspend the existing legislature allowing space for immediate elections. This has led to the opposition party taking the power of the majority of the parliament and a Prime Minister has been selected from a different background of the Royal Family from that what has been traditional. Disagreements and disputes between the parliament and the Prime Minister had arisen from the time when the government was being formed. There were differences in their choices where the Prime Minister wanted to involve parliamentary members in the deliberations and meetings, and the majority of the parliament had objections to it (Omar). The degree to which members of the parliament and other political performers in Kuwait opposed to each other and struggled in Parliame nt stay put restricted to the limits of the Royal Family, keeping hold of its patrimonial position in the social order. Political disagreements are, consequently, restricted to arguments between Parliament and ministers, the compelling of the Council of Ministers at the powers of the government, and, from time to time, the obligatory resignation of ministers or all the Ministers of the Council. On the other hand, modalities of antagonism in Parliament in the present times are gradually more professed as a righteous opposition to the preferences of the political management as Parliament has turned out to be ever more decisive of the Prime Minister as well and not only for the members of his Cabinet.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global study - Essay Example The whole issue of minors’ crossing the boarders into the US has led to an important question of who should be responsible for these children (Savage, 2013). The issue is such a serious one the governor for Texas Rick Perry has threatened to deploy the National Gourd so as to beef up controls on the porous borders and force immigrants to detention. President Obama held a meeting with the leaders of the three nations in which his take home message was that the countries have to share with Washington in the responsibility of curtailing the escalation of minors crossing the Mexico-U.S.A boarder point. Obama prevailed on the leader to curb the immigration of minors and warned that those children that did not have a proper claim of staying will be sent back home (Neuman, 2014). According to Reuters, the President has proposed that there will be instances where the immigrants can apply to be given refugee status but such would be very few. The President reiterated the need for a shared responsibility with the concerned countries in addressing the problem of immigration as well as that of trafficking drugs. In a Center for Strategic and International Studies hosted in Washington DC, Honduras President Juan Hernandez appealed on Americans to approach the issue as a humanitarian one and that of their neighbors. Guatemala’s Molina on his part opined that immigration situation was a real tragedy requiring the reflection of all humanity. He said through Plan Columbia as well as the Merida Initiative, America assisted Columbia & Mexico push out organized crime but this squeezed the same towards Central America. A unanimous position taken by the leaders is that fresh regional approaches anchored on the Merida Initiative and Plan Columbia which saw billions invested in the fight against organized crime be embraced. The leaders from Central America argue that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Employment Law for Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employment Law for Managers - Essay Example However, this does not occur at the company since the employees consider Sam too young to manage them and therefore make it hard for Sam to operate (Emir & Selwyn, 2014). Failing to control the employees is not just a portrayal of Sam’s incompetence but also a breach of a contract he signed with the Frills and Spills Lingerie Company. Creation of a contract is always voluntary but binds both parties legally. Sam accepted the job after understanding the challenges he would meet. Furthermore, the position gives him authority over the employees. As such, he must control his team thus enhance the productivity of the company as he promised to by signing the contract. Among the implied terms of the contract that Sam beaches is his basic role at the company, which is to control the team of twenty employees thus ensuring the productivity of the company. Sam refuses to handle the employee despite the presence of appropriate ways of dealing with uncooperative employees. The twenty employees just as Sam are employees of the company. This gives the company direct authority over the employees. The company must therefore create a conducive environment for Sam to operate. Organizations have organizational cultures, which help harmonize the behavior of the employees. Through the organizational culture, an organization sets effective values to guide the behavior and interactions of the employees. Sam alone cannot create the culture. Such is a function of the company. By creating an effective organizational culture, the employer would create a favorable environment for Sam to carry out his duties. This implies that the employer is partially responsible for Sam’s predicament. Failing to instil discipline in the employees is a breach of the contract between the company and Sam since this results in a hostile environment, one in which Sam cannot operate thus meet his obligations. Key among the major defenses in a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Introduction to Atmospheric Modelling

Introduction to Atmospheric Modelling Yazdan M.Attaei ABSTRACT An atmospheric model is a computer program that produces meteorological information for future times at given locations and altitudes. Within any modern model is a set of equations, known as the primitive equations, used to predict the future state of the atmosphere [2]. These equations (along with the ideal gas law) are used to evolve the density, pressure, and potential temperature scalar fields and the air velocity (wind) vector field of the atmosphere through time. The equations used are nonlinear partial differential equations which are impossible to solve exactly through analytical methods, with the exception of a few idealized cases [3]. Therefore, numerical methods are used to obtain approximate solutions. In this work, we study the Heat and Wave equations as two important aspects when studying meteorology and atmospheric modeling. We assume an idealized domain with certain boundary conditions and initial values in order to predict the evolution of temperature and track the wave propagation in the atmosphere. Keywords: Atmospheric model, Finite difference method, Heat equation, Wave equation. Introduction: An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations (equations for conservation of momentum, thermal energy and mass) which govern atmospheric motions. In general, nearly all forms of the primitive equations relate the five variables n, u, T, P, Q, and their evolution over space and time. The atmosphere is a fluid. Therefore, modelling the atmosphere in fact means the numerical weather prediction which samples the state of the fluid at a given time and uses the equations of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics to estimate the state of the fluid at some time in the future. The model can supplement these equations with parameterizations for diffusion, radiation, heat exchange and convection. The primitive equations are nonlinear and are impossible to solve for exact solutions and numerical methods obtain approximate solutions. Therefore, most atmospheric models are numerical meaning they discretize primitive equations. The horizontal domain of a model is either global, covering the entire Earth, or regional (limited-area), covering only part of the Earth [4]. Some of the model types make assumptions about the atmosphere which lengthens the time steps used and increases computational speed. Global models often use spectral methods for the horizontal dimensions and finite-difference methods for the vertical dimension, while regional models usually use finite-difference methods in all three dimensions. Since the equations used are nonlinear partial differential equations, in order to solve them, boundary conditions and initial values are required. Boundary conditions are specified by the assumptions related to horizontal and vertical domain of study. The equations are initialized from the analysis data and rates of change are determined. These rates of change predict the state of the atmosphere a short time into the future; the time increment for this prediction is called a time step. The equations are then applied to this new atmospheric state to find new rates of change, and these new rates of change predict the atmosphere at a yet further time step into the future. This time stepping is repeated until the solution reaches the desired forecast time. The length of the time step chosen within the model is related to the distance between the points on the computational grid, and is chosen to maintain numerical stability. Time steps for global models are on the order of tens of minutes, while time steps for regional models are between one and four minutes. The global models are run at varying times into the future. Approximating the solution to the partial differential equations for atmospheric flows using numerical algorithms implemented on a computer has been intensively researched since the pioneering work of Prof. John von Neuman in the late 1940s and 1950s. Since Von-Neuman’s numerical experimentation on the first general purpose computer, the processing power of computers has increased at a breath-taking pace. While global models used for climate modeling a decade ago used horizontal grid spacing of order hundreds of kilometers, computing power now permits horizontal resolutions near the kilometer scale. Hence, the range of the scales of motion that next-generation global models will resolve spans from thousands of kilometers (planetary and synoptic scale) to the kilometer scale (meso-scale). Hence, the distinction between global climate models and global weather forecast models is starting to disappear due to the closing of the resolution gap that has historically existed between the two [1]. In this work first we solve two-dimensional heat equation numerically in order to study temperature rate of change which is a part of the equation for the conservation of energy in atmosphere. Two different types of sources (steady state and periodic pulse) are applied to simulate the heat sources for a local (small-scale) domain and the results are illustrated in order to investigate results for the applied boundary and initial value conditions. In the second part of this study, two-dimensional wave equation is solved numerically using finite difference technique and certain boundary and initial value conditions are applied for the small-scale idealized domain. The aim is to study the wave propagation and dissipation along the domain from the results which are illustrated for different types of excitations (standing wave and travelling wave). Overall, the aim of this paper is to show the efficiency of numerical solutions particularly finite difference method for solving primitive equations in atmospheric model. Heat Equation: To study the distribution of heat in the domain, we consider following parabolic partial differential heat equation with thermal diffusivity a; Domain: The idealized 2D domain is a plane of the size unity on each side with the following initial values and boundary conditions; Boundary Conditions (BCs): Dirichlet boundary condition is assumed for all the boundaries except at the regions where the source with T=Ts is taking place; T (0,y)=0 , T(x,0)=0 (except at source) T(1,y)=0 , T(x,1)=0 Initial Values: At time zero, we assume temperature to be zero everywhere except at the region where the source is applied to; Finite Difference Scheme: Heat equation can be discretized using forward Euler in time and 2nd order central difference in space using Taylor series expansions and spatial 5-point stencil illustrated below; Figure 1: Five points stencil finite difference scheme which after simplifying it takes the form; If we apply equal segmentation in both directions so that and rewriting the equation in the explicit form we have; where . For stability of our scheme we need hence; Excitation: In order to observe the heat transportation in all directions, we assumed two different types of the source. First, we use a steady state source placed at the corner next to the origin with dimension of 5 grid cells with temperature amplitude Ts=10o . The second source will be the following pulse source applied for 5 time steps and removed for the next 15 time steps (period of pulse function = 20). This will help to visualize the ability of the scheme to evaluate the temperature at the source region when the source is removed (back-transport of the heat). Results: The following figures illustrate the results observed by applying the scheme, the sources described previously and thermal diffusivity of a=2 with grid cells of size (Ni=Nj=50 number of grid points in x and y directions); (a) (b) Figure 2: Distribution of temperature (a) t=0 sec, b) t=20 msec, steady state source of size 5 grid cells in each direction. It is observed that for t>0 while we have a constant temperature at the source, temperature is diffused along the domain in both directions and it will not diverge at any point when time increases since the stability criterion was already applied for the duration of time steps . Also, in the vicinity of the source temperature is remained almost constant or with small variations after a sudden large increase due to the adjacent source cells with Ts=10o and the nature of the scheme in which back grid points are included for approximation. When the steady state source is replaced by a pulse source with certain On and Off duration (period) as it is seen in Figure 3, diffusion continues even in the absence of the source at the whole domain including the source region as in Figures 3(b),(d). This is more visible in Figure 3(c) in the vicinity of the source but compared to the steady state excitation, there is a significant temperature drop due to the fact that the source has been Off for several time steps and temperature drops gradually with its maximum drop just before the source is applied again as illustrated in Figure 3(d). (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3: Distribution of temperature when Pulse source is applied (period=20 time steps). (a)Initial time, (b)At first Off state, c)Right after second On state, d)Before 24th On state The last parameter to study for the heat equation is the diffusion coefficient. It is the coefficient which affects the rate of diffusion. Figure 4 shows that during equal time period, by larger coefficient heat will diffuse in larger area (dotted circles) of domain compared to when the coefficient is small. (a) (b) Figure 4: The effect of thermal diffusivity on temperature distribution.(a) a=2, (b) a=0.25 Wave Equation: Similar to the heat equation, hyperbolic partial differential wave equation can be discretized by using Taylor series expansion. In this equation, c is the wave constant which identifies the propagation speed of the wave. Our goal is to study the reflection of the wave at the boundaries and the dissipation of the wave due to the numerical solution of the wave equation. Domain: We use the same idealized domain in studying heat equation but in addition to Dirichlet, we also consider Von-Neumann boundary condition in order to study the reflection of the wave at the boundaries. A proper set of initial values will be chosen since this differential equation is of second order with respect to time. Von-Neuman Boundary Conditions: At the boundaries we will assume the following conditions; Source region Initial Conditions: The following initial conditions are assumed since we will use central difference in time and two time steps (current and previous) are used to evaluate the value at the future time; ) Finite Difference Scheme: For the above parabolic differential wave equation, 2nd order central difference scheme in both time and space is used for discretization as follows; and with à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  x=à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  y=h and rewriting the equation explicitly; with , the CFL number which must be less than or equal to since the coefficient of should be a positive (or zero) for stability of the scheme. Hence; Now, back to the boundary condition, by using forward Euler difference for the left and bottom boundaries (i=1,j=1) we can write; and similarly using backward difference at right and top boundaries (i=Ni,j=Nj) ; As we numerically solve for the derived general finite difference equation and illustrate it, we will see that the above boundary conditions are the mathematical representation of full wave reflection at the boundaries. For the second initial value condition we use central difference at t=0 (n=1) and it is derived; Substituting in general difference equation we get; Now, we can apply second order central difference for both temporal and spatial variations for Von-Neumann boundary conditions. Excitation: In this work, in order to study propagation and reflection of the wave using numerical solution of the wave equation, two different sources are applied at the origin with the dimension of 5Ãâ€"5 grid cells for both Dirichlet and Von-Neumann domain boundary conditions; Travelling Wave: Stationary Wave: where and wave numbers . The wave constant c assumed to be c=1 for simplicity, therefore = 0.01 in both x and y direction. Results: For Dirichlet boundary conditions the following figures are obtained for Stationary and Travelling wave sources; (b) Figure 5: Dispersion of Stationary wave in domain with Dirichlet BCs (a) before reflection (b) after partial reflection In Figure 5(a) the wave which is scattered from a stationary source is dissipated through the domain since the source is stationary. In Figure 5(b) the reflections at the boundaries are seen to be weak because of the Dirichlet BCs. Infact, these ripples are mostly due to the nature of finite differencing. However, it is clearly observed in Figure 6(a),(b) that the magnitude of the wave at the boundary is kept zero by Dirichlet BCs. (b) Figure 6: Dispersion of Stationary wave in domain with Dirichlet BCs (a) before reflection (b) after partial reflection, 3D view Figure 7 illustrates the travelling wave propagating in the domain. The ripples have larger magnitudes since the wave itself is travelling and this reduces the amount of attenuation because of the scheme specially after the reflection at the boundaries the weakend ripples are magnified by continuously incoming waves. (b) Figure 7: Travelling wave propagates in domain with Dirichlet BCs (a) before reflection (b) after partial reflection For Von-Neumann BCs, it is expected that for both standing wave and propagating wave we observe full reflection by the boundaries as described during the discretization of these BCs. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the application of such boundary conditions for standing wave source and travelling wave source respectively. (b) Figure 8: Dispersion of Stationary wave in domain with Von-Neumann BCs (a) before reflection (b) after partial reflection (b) Figure 9: Wave propagation in the domain with Von-Neumann BCs (a) before reflection (b) after partial reflection In the above figures, it is seen that at the boundaries the ripples are fully reflected back to the domain as well as the time when the wave is propagating forward from the source and is reflected at bottom and left boundaries. These would be more visible when showing the figures in three dimensions (Figure 10); (b) (c) (d) Figure 10: Wave propagation (a),(b)standing wave, before and after reflection (c),(d)travelling wave, before and after reflection To sum up, finite difference scheme which is used in this work provides numerical solution of the wave equation well and the results are close to what are expected for the wave propagation in such idealized domain with different boundary conditions. Conclusion: In atmospheric science, heat flow is related to temperature rate of change and the evolution of momentum and energy in atmospheric models are related the gravity waves as they transport energy. In the Earths atmosphere, gravity waves are a mechanism for the transfer of momentum from the troposphere to the stratosphere. Gravity waves are generated in the troposphere, propagate through the atmosphere without appreciable change in mean velocity. But as the waves reach more diluted air at higher altitudes, their amplitude increases, and nonlinear effects cause the waves to break, transferring their momentum to the mean flow. Therefore, numerical solutions of atmosphere primitive equations play an important role for studying the evolution of fundamental variables in atmospheric science especially since these equations are partial differential equations which cannot be solved analytically. In this paper, a brief study over the numerical solution of heat and wave equations was conducted as a basis for a bigger scale atmospheric modelling. The results demonstrate the efficiency of finite difference method to solve these equations (in small-scale domain) when they are compared to the theoretical expectations, therefore, solving primitive equations in atmospheric models by numerical techniques can be a following work to this paper. REFERENCES

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Characters in The Crucible Essay -- Essay on The Crucible

The Characters in The Crucible The Crucible was a story with a wide range of caractors. Not only appearance wise but, with different personalities a together. Many caracteurs in this play thought differently from one and other. That is why this book had a few "twists and turns" to the story. In my profiles, I will display many different caracteurs and theirs' different mentality. First I will start with Mr. John Proctor, a.k.a. "shoulder checker". John Proctor had always things on his mind. People were always on his mind. John Proctor was always looking out for his mistakes or errors, not because he was picky, but his ennemis and competion were. John Proctor was always think out the final result of a situation, like when Betty was "spritually repossed" early in the book (Act I, pages 6-12). John Proctor did not care about as Betty as much as the final opinion that the town would have on Proctor's "white and pure" name. Much can be said about Proctor's giving and understanding, but I don't want to waste that line. Proctor's carring and willing to give people thinks was not his best feature. Proctor was always thing about him, himself and no one else, except the final outcome of the whole situation. Take for exaple the fellow that wanted to get some tree off Proctor's land. Even though Proctor had probably no knowlage of the trees on his land, he still wanted a peice of the pie. Proctor wanted always money. He was money hungry and cheap. Basicly Proctor was a would be if he could be. Proctor was always trying to fit into the high class crowd, flash his powere and money on the middle class or poorer people, but when Proctor was around people like Hale (Hale was a well educated and he stood up for things kind of guy) Proctor would try to act up to his class but he couldn't really beacause inside he really knew he couldn't. Then the one life ending, marriage destroying fault that Proctor would ever do was he sleept with Abigail. That action right there would kill Proctor not physically (yet) but mentally threw the novel it honted him and later .. his wife. The perfect exemple was when John Proctor's wife, Elizabeth and Mr. Proctor were approched by Hale. John Proctor was asked if he could name the seven commandents (Act ][, page #65). John Proctor (with Elizabeth by his side) was able to name them all e... ...ed physically now or spriatually later. But Hale was never scared of these threest. Hale was always always under the influence of God. The reason or event would be because of God. Still, Hale was a friend to many people like Proctor. When the summons come for Proctor (at the end of Act ]I[), Proctor would yell to the officers tht they should depart from his house. Hale tried to clam down Mr. Proctor but once a snowball start to roll, it is hard to freeze it in it's tracks. But again it's like thoses efforts that made Hale who he is. I fell that all theses caractuers made a big difference in this book (as I described above). My reason apon picking them varies from the protagonist (Proctor) to anognist (Abigail) to the man I felt kept the ball moving with his knowladge (Hale). I enjoyed reading this book because of the turning of events, the plot that led up to the climax. The finish was touching. For a guy to say it was touching, it was a good ending. I think the best title or subtitle for this book came from an album from a group called Colletive Soul. Their title from the album and the perfect title for this book: Hints, Lies and Alligations

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Walton Hi Tech industries Ltd: Overview of the Organization Structure

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the organization structure, and the goals and objectives of the chosen company and see how that structure plays a part in the formulation of strategies which aid to achieve those goals and objectives.1.1 IntroductionThe organization that has been chosen for this report is Walton Hi Tech industries Ltd( Walton HIL). Walton is a Bangladeshi manufacturing industry that specializes in the production of smartphones, home appliances, LED television sets, Generators, microwave ovens, refrigerators, cooking utilities, air conditioners, Dvd players, and motorcycles for the local Bangladeshi market, as well as the south Asian market. The company has a strong research and development division and the latest manufacturing techniques and equipment for which, the products are of a high quality, but also at a very competitive price point.1.2 Organization goals and objectives of WaltonThe ultimate goal of Walton HIL Ltd is to take its place amo ng the top consumer electronics, Automobile, and home appliance industries in the world by 2015. Previously, it had been thought that consumer products made in Bangladesh cannot be of a quality that is good. Walton has made tremendous efforts to make sure that this type of a perception could be scrapped from the minds of people, thereby giving them confidence in their products. The  following are the objectives of Walton HIL Ltd:To push the boundaries of innovation and to shape the future- foster creativity to turn people’s imaginations into reality and envision technologies that are one step further. To enhance the company value and open up new business opportunities- Walton strives to build a strong brand name image both in the local market and the International market. The profitable growth that it sustains makes the company a prime investment for shareholders.Empowering the people in the organization to achieve world class performance- Walton considers its people as the core of the organization and its competitive advantage. Respect towards the employees and open communication ensures that they give their best efforts and work hard to achieve excellence. To enter into the U.S and E.U market by 2015- Walton aims to expand its reach into the U.S and E.U markets by creating international brands that get a maximum price in those markets. 1.3 Organization structure of Walton:From the information I gathered from the website of the company, it is evident that Walton has a product based organization structure. The Company’s efforts are centered around its main products, and extending their reach to other markets abroad. Employees from departments like Sales, Marketing, Finance, operations, and so on, report to the vice president supervising the production of a specific product. For example, the finance, operation, marketing, and sales departments reporting to the vice president handling the production of Motorcycles.All the vice presidents handling the operations of each product line will report directly to the CEO of the company. This type of organization structure has some advantages, as well as some disadvantages. The Advantages are: More focus on products and customers- the focus on products and customers ensures that quality products are made, which deliver satisfaction to the customers It is easier to evaluate the performance of the product.Product responsiveness to market changes from time to time. So it is possible to know whether the product has been successful in the market or not. There is less of a burden on the CEO, to make operating decisions. The disadvantages of this type of structure are:There may be limitations on the economies of scale achieved as, companies with such an organization structure may not have yet expanded to other major potential international markets such as, Europe and America. There tends to be multiple product groups. So it may be difficult to choose between those groups. Conflicts can ari se between the product groups and the corporate objectives.1.4 How the Organization structure of Walton helps to formulate strategiesFormulating corporate strategies for a company requires analyzing the industry or environmental conditions in which the company operates. Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company is also important. The proper analysis of these factors will greatly determine whether the strategies formulated will be successful or not. The product based organization structure of Walton means that greater emphasis is given on the products of the company, and customer satisfaction.So therefore, the structure will tend to fuel the need for more research and development and analysis which will give the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. In order to do so, a company has to either differentiate its products from the competition and set a premium price justifying the ‘uniqueness’ of the products, or offer products a t a low and attractive price that still meets the quality standards. Walton primarily aims to offer products at a reasonable price point that are of a high quality.So the tendency to put the customer’s needs and requirements at a top priority helps the company design and manufacture products that not only has high demand in the local market, but also maintains a high amount of export value in foreign countries. A SWOT analysis of Walton can illustrate the competitive advantages or disadvantages that are present within the company, and furthermore examine how the objectives can be achieved.The strengths of the company are: Walton is the only company in Bangladesh that diversifies production in multiple industries. Other local competitors of Walton only concentrate production on mainly smartphones and mobile phones. Walton has achieved various stringent quality standards certificates, which puts the company above the competition in terms of quality control.The Smartphonesmanufa ctured by Walton carry a price that is very competitive and at the same time offers a wealth of features. So they can compete quite well with even some of the biggest players in the mobile phone industry, just because of the price point. Walton has the latest machines and testing equipment in its production plant, including 3D printers, which allows rapid prototype models to be made. The weaknesses of Walton are:There may be too many products for the company to manufacture. While Walton manufactures the latest LED television sets, they are also producing the old CRT television sets which basically is almost phased out, and in not much demand. Walton may be a bit too late in considering to step into the pc market as, it is already saturated with lots of chinese pc makers and other premium pc manufacturers which may prove to be quite some tough competition to deal with. The opportunities of Walton are:Walton has a clear chance and opportunity to enter into the E.U and U.S markets by 2 015. Those are very potential markets for Walton which can increase their export revenue by a mile. If Walton can shift production from motorcycles to cars, it could open up yet another huge potential market for the company. An entry level smartphone can be manufactured by the company to increase the sales of the Walton Primo brand.The following are the threats of Walton:Increasing pressure from other competitors, particularly the Indian motorbike manufacturers like Bajaj, and Hero Honda, who are leading the motorbike industry. Walton still hasn’t built up a brand image for their LED television sets. So consumers may tend to purchase a regular LED TV from another renowned brand like Samsung, instead of the smart TV sets of Walton at a cheaper price. Chinese smartphone maker Huawei has started to supply their windows powered handsets in collaboration with Rangs in Bangladesh. They could eventually capture a significant market share in Bangladesh before Walton. So Huawei is a t hreat to Walton.From the SWOT analysis that has been carried out, it is evident that achieving the objectives of the company is not so simple as it seems. While Walton has already created a brand value among its customers, they still have a long way to go. If they can enter the E.U and U.S market, the company will have a great chance to solidify their brand image and strengthen the company name. As mentioned earlier, Walton has a product based organizational structure. Now in this type of structure, the vice presidents all report to the CEO.And since the vice presidents co-ordinate the operation of the departments such as accounts, finance, HR, and so on, these departments work smoothly, as there is no delay in decision making. The burden of decision making to the CEO is thus lessened. The Product based structure is all about the products of the company. so therefore the performance of the product in the market is quite important. The structure will force the company to undergo rese arch and development into the latest products, so that the company can increase their profits. In terms of expansion into other potential markets of the company, the product structure keeps the company performing at their level best to improve upon the current line of products, and come up with new products.The threats, and weaknesses of the company may play a part in creating a barrier to achieving some of the objectives of the company. For example, if Walton wants to expand into the E.U and U.S market, they have to export their smartphones. In this case, one question that would come into play is, how saturated is the E.U and U.S markets with chinese handset manufacturers? This question will help the company take into account the competition it will be facing and market the product accordingly so it has an edge over the competition. So the threats and weaknesses create a barrier, but the structure helps to formulate the strategies in such a way that the barriers can be overcome.1.5 Recommendation:The organization structure of Walton helps to bring out new products through research, and helps to formulate strategies to achieve goals and objectives. One of the objectives of the company states that by 2015 it will expand into the U.S and E.U markets. After expanding into those markets, the product based organization structure may hold the company back. So then there may be a need for a change in organization structure of Walton as, the company will have to ship products to different geographic regions. So a geographical/regional organization structure might be more suitable for  Walton at that point. A geographical organization structure means that the regional department/headquarters is situated in each region. So all the operations can be carried out locally in that region.1.6 Conclusion:Walton’s organization structure fuels its need for better research into products. Walton has a bright future ahead, with the visions planned. The company has plans to expand into other markets such as the computer market. Not only that, Walton also envisions supplying the local market with their own motorcycles, and therefore attempt to curb the imports of motorcycles to Bangladesh. The company is doing its best to make sure its future plans are successful and indeed come out as one one of the top electronics company among the world in the year 2015.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Trial of Mumia Abu-Jamal essays

The Trial of Mumia Abu-Jamal essays In class, we recently watch a movie on convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. While the movie was informative, I couldn't help but being a little troubled by it. I began wondering why this man was so dangerous and yet so many people were standing up for him. In order to gain a better understanding of the situation, I visited in order to get the other side of the story. I knew I would find some discrepancies between the sides telling their views. I thought these differences would be minimal at best but I was shocked to find out how dissimilar the two viewpoints were. The movie we saw in class was very pro-Mumia. In it, various people talked about the trial, from the witnesses to the attorneys to Mumia Abu-Jamal himself. Throughout the movie, the narrator continually bashed the facts given by the police and the prosecuting attorney Joseph McGill. Whenever they stated a point, the next statement from the narrator was either negative or attempted to prove their statement wrong. However, when the defense attorney Anthony Jackson or any witnesses stated a point beneficial to Mumia, the narrator quickly agreed with their point. Also, these witnesses in the movie were all in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal even though some have changed their stories on a number of occasions. When Mumia himself talked, the narrator backed up his points by use of footage or supporting him further through the testimonies of the other witnesses or Anthony Jackson. Throughout the movie, all points were made clear by both sides. However, the narrator was biased towards o ne side and therefore, got a plethora of opinions instead of the facts surrounding this situation. Overall, the movie disappointed me. After watching the movie and visiting the web site, I have come to the conclusion that Mumia Abu-Jamal is guilty of killing Officer Daniel Faulkner. The movie, to me, gave only one side of the story and heavily favored Mumia Abu-J...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hamilton vs Jefferson essays

Hamilton vs Jefferson essays The Washington administration was the first to bring together in the cabinet of the United States, the Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and the Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson and Hamilton began to take different views when the government began to address the issue of the old war debts and the worthless paper money left over from the days of the Confederation. Hamilton suggested that the government should create the Bank of the United States, which would be a public-private partnership with both government and private investors. The Bank of the United States was to handle the governments banking needs. Jefferson protested because this was not allowed by the Constitution. Hamilton opposed the view of Jefferson and stated that the Constitutions writers could not have predicted the need of a bank for the United States. Hamilton said that the right to create the Bank of the United States was stated in the elastic or the necessary and proper clause in which the Constitution gave the government the power to pass laws that were necessary for the welfare of the nation. This began the argument between the strict constructionists (Jefferson) who believed in the strict interpretation of the Constitution by not going an inch beyond its clearly expressed provisions, and the loose constructionists (Hamilton) who wished to reason out all sorts of impli cations from what it said. Hamilton and Jefferson began to disagree more and more. Hamilton wrote nasty anonymous articles in John Fennos Gazette of the United States and Jefferson responded to him in Philip Freneaus National Gazette. Jeffersons Notes of the State of Virginia in 1787 stated that rural life was beneficial to the government because cities and other areas of large population created poverty, disease, and corruption. Jefferson believed that the small farmers where the backbo...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Exam questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Exam questions - Coursework Example Since collective bargaining is a process directly associated with the trade unions, it can be rightly concluded that a fall in trade union membership would reduce the collective number of workers the unions represents, and therefore would lead to a decline in the collective bargaining practice itself. Union membership in the UK was in a consistent decline period from 1979 to 1998, and this can be attributed to a certain set of factors, both direct and underlying reasons. The direct causes of the dramatic decline of union membership are as below (Millward et al., 2000): Unions failed to gain a bargaining presence where it was necessary in the newly established workplaces, as the British manufacturing industry declined, which led to the establishment of new workplaces The union membership in places where they were previously recognized led to people leaving the trade unions as a follow up to other. The decline however is not due to these simple factors only, there are certain underlyin g factors which must be identified and critically analyzed in order to complete the study. Firstly, the macroeconomic conditions of UK underwent a change during the decline era, there was massive unemployment which led to a weakened status of the employees who did not want to lose their jobs by undertaking the risk of contradicting the employers, since the number of layoffs were high, this consciously instigated the workers to leave trade unions, thus leading to decline in membership and collective bargaining. Secondly, the legal and institutional policy framework established by the state government led to an automatic decline, since the policies were anti-union and unfriendly, the unions could not reach agreements since they no longer held a powerful position, thus resulting in declining membership. Thirdly, the policies instated by the management itself focused on meeting individual needs rather than coordinating with the trade union’s representative to reach a consensus, t his change in policy abolished the need of having joined any trade unions, thereby reducing the membership number by dramatic numbers. And lastly, according to Metcalf, the aggregate number of union membership is not just a function of environmental factors, but it also accounts for the way in which the trade union responds to the environmental changes, and in UK, the trade unions did not respond diligently, while making the recruitment plan more strenuous, and by ignoring the environmental changes leading to no major changes in the union’s agendas, thereby resulting in further decline (Metcalf, 1991, 22). In light of all the reasons stated and explained above, it can be rightly concluded that there were major underlying reasons which led to a decline in union membership which simultaneously caused a decline in the collective bargaining process and practices in the United Kingdom, since they are directly proportional to each other. The decline of one will inevitably result in the decline of other, because collective bargaining is a practice undertaken by trade unions to meet their objectives, and striking agreements

Friday, November 1, 2019

What shaped the economic policy reactions during the Great Depression Essay

What shaped the economic policy reactions during the Great Depression 1929-1933 - Essay Example In the 1920s stock prices jumped a tremendous amount, to highs never seen before. Many people such as investors believed that stocks were a for sure thing. So they started borrowing heavily which would enable them to invest more money into the stock market. That was all about to end, for in 1929 the bubble was popped and stocks started to go down very quickly. By 1933 the market had reached its lowest point ever, down a total ÃŽ ¿f 80%. This hid the American economy hard; the strong demand for goods, such as major appliances went down, no more money to invest. The stock market had let many people down. During the history ÃŽ ¿f the stock market in the United States, there have been many days in which the market declined numerous points. This is referred to as a market crash. One is called "Black Thursday," which marked the beginning ÃŽ ¿f the Great Depressions. It was decades ago, when the roaring twenties came to a booming halt on October 24, 1929, as the stock market crashed. It is called Black Thursday because it was the first day ÃŽ ¿f panic and the start ÃŽ ¿f the Great Depression. Investors tried to sell stock as fast as possible on this day. Within the first twenty days ÃŽ ¿f the crash, the value ÃŽ ¿f stock held by investors in the United States fell thirty billion dollars. During the Great Depression, production and sale ÃŽ ¿f goods rapidly declined. Employment numbers dropped drastically. Many banks and businesses were forced to close their doors. Not only were jobs and savings lost for many people, but also their homes and farms. Thousands depended upon charity to survive. During the worst part ÃŽ ¿f the depression more than fifteen million people were unemployed. This figure amounted to twenty-five percent ÃŽ ¿f the nations work force. However, even the seventy-five percent ÃŽ ¿f the workforce who were able to maintain or find a job were severely affected. Many experienced major wage reductions or were given only part time work. (Great) In the