Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Characters in The Crucible Essay -- Essay on The Crucible

The Characters in The Crucible The Crucible was a story with a wide range of caractors. Not only appearance wise but, with different personalities a together. Many caracteurs in this play thought differently from one and other. That is why this book had a few "twists and turns" to the story. In my profiles, I will display many different caracteurs and theirs' different mentality. First I will start with Mr. John Proctor, a.k.a. "shoulder checker". John Proctor had always things on his mind. People were always on his mind. John Proctor was always looking out for his mistakes or errors, not because he was picky, but his ennemis and competion were. John Proctor was always think out the final result of a situation, like when Betty was "spritually repossed" early in the book (Act I, pages 6-12). John Proctor did not care about as Betty as much as the final opinion that the town would have on Proctor's "white and pure" name. Much can be said about Proctor's giving and understanding, but I don't want to waste that line. Proctor's carring and willing to give people thinks was not his best feature. Proctor was always thing about him, himself and no one else, except the final outcome of the whole situation. Take for exaple the fellow that wanted to get some tree off Proctor's land. Even though Proctor had probably no knowlage of the trees on his land, he still wanted a peice of the pie. Proctor wanted always money. He was money hungry and cheap. Basicly Proctor was a would be if he could be. Proctor was always trying to fit into the high class crowd, flash his powere and money on the middle class or poorer people, but when Proctor was around people like Hale (Hale was a well educated and he stood up for things kind of guy) Proctor would try to act up to his class but he couldn't really beacause inside he really knew he couldn't. Then the one life ending, marriage destroying fault that Proctor would ever do was he sleept with Abigail. That action right there would kill Proctor not physically (yet) but mentally threw the novel it honted him and later .. his wife. The perfect exemple was when John Proctor's wife, Elizabeth and Mr. Proctor were approched by Hale. John Proctor was asked if he could name the seven commandents (Act ][, page #65). John Proctor (with Elizabeth by his side) was able to name them all e... ...ed physically now or spriatually later. But Hale was never scared of these threest. Hale was always always under the influence of God. The reason or event would be because of God. Still, Hale was a friend to many people like Proctor. When the summons come for Proctor (at the end of Act ]I[), Proctor would yell to the officers tht they should depart from his house. Hale tried to clam down Mr. Proctor but once a snowball start to roll, it is hard to freeze it in it's tracks. But again it's like thoses efforts that made Hale who he is. I fell that all theses caractuers made a big difference in this book (as I described above). My reason apon picking them varies from the protagonist (Proctor) to anognist (Abigail) to the man I felt kept the ball moving with his knowladge (Hale). I enjoyed reading this book because of the turning of events, the plot that led up to the climax. The finish was touching. For a guy to say it was touching, it was a good ending. I think the best title or subtitle for this book came from an album from a group called Colletive Soul. Their title from the album and the perfect title for this book: Hints, Lies and Alligations

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