Saturday, December 28, 2019

Vaccines The Success Story - 2322 Words

Vaccines: The Success Story On Saturday, October 24, 2009, Brandon Gonzales was a normal 9-year-old boy living a healthy lifestyle. However, by the end of the week Brandon was at the mercy of the H1N1 disease, otherwise known as the flu. He was delirious, lethargic, feverish, and breath constricted when it was found that his lungs were filled with fluid, and his oxygen levels had dipped down to 43%. After much ventilation and constant attention, Brandon’s kidneys collapsed, and the rest of his organs failed. He was pronounced dead at 12:46 pm on October 29, 2009 (â€Å"Brandon G’s Story†). The reason? Brandon had never received the flu vaccine. All of these troubles could have be erased, and this perfect boy saved, by a simple trip to the doctor for a vaccine. Therefore, all healthy children should be vaccinated because declining diseases still pose a public threat, and vaccines are safe, effective, and inexpensive. Of course, if any of the benefits are t o be understood, it is important to first understand how vaccines and the immune system works. When disease cells enter the body, the immune system creates proteins called antibodies. These antibodies detect the source of the disease cells and quickly travel to the site. When the antibodies arrive they hastily destroy the disease by engulfing the cells. In doing so, the antibodies create a memory of the disease. This memory is called immunity, and it allows antibodies to understand the disease so that next time,Show MoreRelatedPoliomyelitis in Nigeria1712 Words   |  7 Pages Introduction For Nigeria, the polio virus is still around in the country because of purely religious reasons. A section of the country, precisely the northern axis spurned a theory that the polio vaccine was fertility control tool of the west. Nothing could be further from the truth! 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