Friday, May 24, 2019

35 Dumb Things People Say

Matt Paradowski 35 Dumb Things People Say Dr. Cullen has been referred to as being the trump there is at simplifying the complex issues of diversity in an entertaining and educational humansner (MauraCullen. com). As expressed on Dr. Cullens website, she has been capturing the minds and hearts of pile with active seminars and speaking engagements in the United States, Canada and Australia. She is considered one of the best agentities on leadership and diversity. She also has worked with over 400 organizations with audiences of up to 8,000 state. Dr.Cullen holds a Doctorate in Social Justice and Diversity Education. She has 25 years of experience as a diversity trainer and speaker at over 400 universities and organizations. Maura Cullen is the author of 35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say Surprising Things We Say That Widen the Diversity Gap. She is a higher education student affairs professional and is the unveiling faculty of the Social Justice Training Institute. (http// www. mauracullen. com). Her Education clogground includes The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Springfield College and Bridgewater State College. http//www. linkedin. com/in/mauracullen). The audience I believe Dr. Cullen is trying to reach is e realone in general, but many of the sayings that deal with race argon ge ard more towards uninfected people. When interlingual rendition The 35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say it seems that she was referring to everybody. I am pretty sure just close everyone has said at least one of the sayings at least once in their life. Out of the 35 sayings listed I have said 10 of them many times in my life. The track record basic completelyy says to the intended audience to commend before you speak.Some people could take the book as telling you to more politic completelyy correct. After reading over this chapter to me Dr. Maura Cullen seems to be an upper class Republican who is too busy worrying about what everyone thinks or says. She seems to want everything to be very socially and politically correct. In the real world life will neer be like this. sometimes while reading this chapter of her book I thought she thinks she is better than everyone else. If people didnt say these things sometimes the world would be bland and everyone would act the like having no feeling or thoughts of their own.Who is she to say these things are dumb to say. I am not saying she is not smart but I am saying people lack some of these sayings in their life and that yes some may be considered dumb but some are also very relevant. I really dont think that everyone is going to think that this is offensive or that the person saying it is an idiot or dumb. In at presents day and age I dont think people really care if they offend another person. I really neer thought about or noticed if any of the sayings in this book were offensive or not.Will I try to stop saying the ones that I think are offensive? Sure I will but I have been saying them for so long or have heard people saying them that it is going to be extremely ponderous to change. While reading this chapter, I saw some things people say that I think are pretty damn funny. For example 30 states, Thats so light/queer or thats so retarded (Cullen pg. 103). Anyone with some sort of car park sense would know when people say this they are not talking about homosexuals or mentally handicapped people. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know this.When people say, that is so gay or, that is so queer they are actually saying whatever they are talking about is dumb or stupid. The same goes for the saying, that is so retarded. Personally I say these things a lot. I dont mean anything bad by saying it. It is just that I have enceinte up saying it and do not think it is offensive. Like I said before anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know the true intention of saying, That is so gay or That is so queer. An example of a saying I think has some relev ance is number 16 I never owned slaves. (Cullen pg. 83) This is one of the saying I think is geared only toward white people. I think it is relevant because of the amount of reverse racism in the world today. Many black people still complain about The Man or white people. The black people that complain about white people usually say that the white man is holding them back. In all honesty the only holding them back is themselves and their lack of drive, determination and hard work. So white people started saying I never owned slaves so dont complain to me about your short comings.If anyone is discriminated against it is white people. The primer coat I say that is because of affirmative action. Why should someone get a job over a more qualified applicant solely ground on the color of their skin and that the employer doesnt have enough of that race working for them. Finally that last quote I thought had some relevance at least in my life is number 20 calling women Girls, Honey, Sweet ie Pie, or other familiar terms. (Cullen pg. 87) I used this statement all the time. I use it in the way Dr.Cullen says it is intended for which is to make a connection or attempting to make an environment more casual or friendly. (Cullen Pg. 87) I do not see it as sexist or condescending. I do not think it is disrespectful either. I say this because when a man calls his significant other sweetie pie or honey they definitely are not trying to be sexist. I know for sure they definitely are not being condescending either. The thing is women say things like this also it is just men do not think it is sexist or condescending.Out of all the women I may have called sweetie pie or honey in my life I have never had anyone get upset behind my back or to my face about it. People who are not so uptight or stuck on themselves will not think it is sexist or condescending either. I do not think people need to watch what they say from now on. I believe that more people need to loosen up and accept life as it comes to them. Is it really worth complaining about these sayings? I for one think it is retarded or gay to complain and worry about all this crap.I have been through many thing in my life one of which was a near death experience. demeanor is too short to try and do everything the proper or right way. Sure some of the 35 saying could be a little on the rude side but hey no one is perfect, right? People have been saying these things and will continue to say these things until the end of time. Some things may change in time but not all. Weather it is rude, sexist or condescending it is all in the eye of the beholder. If we could all just just each other as they are then these sayings would be irrelevant anyways.I enjoyed reading this chapter of Dr. Cullens book but sometimes it made me angry after reading her best bets sections. Sure she has a doctorate but her best bet situations will not always be correct.Works Cited Dr. Maura J Cullen Diversity Taking misery out of D iversity. 2010. 29 Nov. 2010. . Dr. Maura Cullen Diversity Training & Coaching Professional. 2008. 29 Nov. 2010. http//www. linkedin. com/in/mauracullenCullen, Maura. Morgan James Publishing. New York Garden City, 2008. Print.

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