Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Social Learning Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

friendly Learning Theory - Assignment ExampleThis assignment discusses the Social Learning Theory developed by Berger, that primarily focuses upon that a child develops while detect the straight patterns that go on around him/her. Thus, it is through modeling and repeating or doing things that are already do by others is an important way a child learns different fashions and adopt certain attitudes. However, while observing and modeling, one feature that is in a continuous functioning state is the childs knowledge cognition. The cognition works in a way that if a child sees someone getting credit and rewards upon his behavior or deed, the child would him/herself like to receive the same kind of acknowledgement and appreciation from others. This lust leads the child to incorporate the same attitude in his daily practice so that he overly can be socially recognized and accepted. Once the child gets success due to the modeled behavior, he learns to practice the same thing throug hout his lifespan. The problem mogul occur when the child is non fitting to model the exact behavior to receive acknowledgement. In such a situation, he/she modifies the same behavior multiple times and in multiple ways as long as he might achieve success. In the same way, punishment and discouragement act as negative stimulators for the child not to adopt a certain behavior if someone else is punished on its basis. In conclusion, the researcher states that this hike retains throughout the childs lifetime shaping his personality in a particular direction.

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