Monday, June 17, 2019

Communication Process Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communication Process Model - Essay ExampleIn this scenario, curb is the receiver of the message. The receiver obtains the message and understands the message according to his or her perception. The process of understanding the message is decoding, decoding of the message has taken place in this scenario but the receiver has not been able to understand the actual mean of the message. The desired meaning of the message was that the patient has to take prescribe pills for three times a day, with an interval of four to six hours the patient has to consume pills with food. The view as interpreted the message in a different manner the nurse perceived that the patient had to take one of the pills, each time he consumed food. cognitive content is data dispatched by an individual (sender) and received by another individual (receiver). In this case, message was the directions of medicine consumption. Communication process fails if the message is misunderstood. Channel is the thoroughf b e selected by the sender to send the message. In this case, channel was patient record. Feedback is the response given to the sender by the receiver. Feedback helps the sender analyze whether the recipient has deduced the desired meaning of the message. Feedback can be vocal or non-vocal responses in this case, feedback is the direction that patient follows to take his medication. This feedback will inform the sender (physician), that the message was not properly decoded. Obstacles are barriers of effective communication. In this case, obstacle was the perception of the receiver. The receiver could not perceive the actual meaning of the message, and the communication process failed.The patient has clearly misinterpreted the message because the nurse failed to interpret the original meaning of the message. The consequence of this misinterpretation is over dosage of medication. The patient might end up consuming the medication more than prescribed by the physicians he might

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