Wednesday, June 5, 2019

What is the Difference Between Biosphere and Ecosphere?

What is the Difference Between Biosphere and Ecosphere?Explain the difference between Biosphere, Ecosphere and Gaia and argue a nerve for adopting unity of these descriptors for discussions of the earthBiosphere, Ecosphere and Gaia are used names of the international eco arranging. But each international eco ashes has its own or more meaning individually. The global eco outline is natural cycles of interdependent organisms which shares and functions together in the same habitat. Eco arrangings usually form a number of food webs. (Robert W. Christopherson 1996). Ecosystems relate to soil, plants, animals, chemicals and rocks amongst others of the planet. For example when we approximate of nature we think of living things such as planets and animals, the biotic comp unrivallednts of an ecosystem include all the living things in an area.Biosphere the place on earths surface where life dwells. (Seuss E. 1875) Biosphere is a biological global sum of all ecosystems and life on eart h which integrates all living things together from the beginning of time on earth evolving over billions of geezerhood. Estimated 3.5 billion years ago. (Campbell, Neil A. Brad Williamson, Robin J. Heyden 2006). The Biosphere originated from a geologist called Eduard Suess in 1875 merely the concept wasnt really adapted until Vladimir Vernadsky in 1926 wrote the book the biosphere redefining biosphere as a current earth system this is a main core of ecology. The biosphere exchanges matter and energy with the other spheres, helping the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and along with other elements. This could be or is the reason wherefore the biosphere is known as the global ecosystem, comprising the earth and performing all manner of biological functions, including photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, nitrogen fixation and gentrification.Gaia The earth is more than just a home, its a living system and we are part of it. (James Lovelock) is simply the core o f James Lovelocks Gaia theory, also known as the Gaia hypothesis. It was originally proposed in 1963 by James Lovelock. While the name Gaia comes from a Greek goddess of earth it is mainly a similar take on the biosphere with the same components but proposed as viewing the earth as a single organism. James Lovelock said that Gaia was a complex entity involving the Earths biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet (James Lovelock 1979). The Gaia hypothesis states that the earth is alive, the search for life on mars led to lovelocks belief in the existence of Gaia. While we know theres no life on mars or Venus, lovelock comparingd it with the earths atmosphere which is a smorgasbord of gases making life present, while earths gas is non the same but is contained in a constant state suggesting a regulation of the whole system on earth for example the climate, ocean and air are a self regulated process. While James Lovelocks theory wasnt totally accepted it is one looked over by scientists with mixed questioning critically whilst criticize by others.While Biosphere is known to serve at high levels of scientific research and be a core factor in within biology and ecology using remote sensing systems to s foot the entire earths surface.Future of Healthcare technology PACSFuture of Healthcare Technology PACSPACS is the healthcare technology of the future. A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is a computerized means of replacing the role of stuffy radiological film images are acquired, stored, transmitted, and displayed digitally. PACS is not just used in the radiology department it john be used all over the hospital in any location, anytime, anywhere and even be used with other hospitals, between different physicians. There are advantages and disadvantages to choosing to use the PACS system. There are other techn ologies that beget a dramatic impact on the deli very of patient care as well these technology along with the PACS system make healthcare better. unmatched of the biggest advantages to using the PACS system is the fact that everything is done digitally. In my research I have found sev terml reasons that hospitals should chose PACS to operate there radiology department as well as all the other areas in the hospital. In several articles it has stated that the use of PACS main advantage is the improvement in efficiency. PACS has been proven to precipitate medical errors due to the fact once an image has been acquired onto PACS it cannot be lost, stolen, or misfiled. The PACS system also allows images to be available anywhere in the hospital whereas conventional film can only physically exist in one place at any one time. With the PACS system the physician can compare images at the same time. If an image is too dark or too light before you would have to retake the x-ray but with the P ACS system you can adjust these things on the computer. Physician can also take an image from ten years ago and put it into the PACS system and compare it with the most young image. Things like this can really help with diagnosis and turn toment of patients. PACS also helps patient care be quicker because the physician can view the images anytime and anywhere in the hospital. For example if a patient is have trouble in the ICU the physician can view any images necessary to help treat the patient without leaving the ICU area therefore if the physician is needed he/she is right there. These images are available to all the members of the care team not just the physician. PACS system has been proven to save lives as well as lower medical errors. I read an article that stated when the PACS system is to the full utilized, the technology can play a significant role in reducing the potential for error by eliminating steps in the distribution and wariness of images and associated patient information across the enterprise. PACS system also allows hospital staff and physicians can schedule and order exams, update patient information across an enterprise, pull up stakes information and images to physicians at the point of care, and provide diagnostic tools, features, and functionality to ensure the highest quality of interpretation and diagnosis. Currently 20% of films are missing when needed. This wouldnt happen if they were using the PACS system. each(prenominal) images in the PACS database are automatically grouped into the correct examination, are Chronologically ordered, correctly oriented and labeled, and can be easily retrieved which is not necessarily the shell without the PACS system. The pediatrics and neonatal unit were among the first clinical specialties to start using the PACS system. Radiographic images play a big role in these departments. Time is very crucial in these units so it is a great advantage that you dont have to go to the radiology depart ment to retrieve these images. This is one good example how the PACS system can save lives and why the hospital should be using this system.There are some disadvantages to the PACS system as well as with any system that you may choose to use. One disadvantage to the PACS system is cost of installing the PACS system in the hospital setting. In the year 1999 the cost of intalling the PACS system was one to two million dollars with a six percent annual maintenance. Studies have shown that PACS would pay for itself in five years. Another disadvantage is once you have gone filmless there is risk that the PACS system could have a system failure with this in mind as long as the data is backed up daily. One other potential problem of PACS is that the staff may not have the knowledge to be able to use the PACS system.In my research I found that when the PACS system is used along with the EMR and the CPOE there is a dramatic impact on patient care. The EMR is where all medical records, inclu ding all of patient images, pathology, working(a) results and history are done and stored electronically. The CPOE is where the physicians use computers to due order entry. Each of these things in isolation helps somewhat with patient care but when the three are used together the results are much greater.In Conclusion, healthcare technology is going to computerization and there is no stopping it. We are in an era where computers are an important part of daily life not just in the healthcare field. Learning how to use computers and there software is crucial for survival. In this paper I talked about one of the most rapidly growing systems in healthcare the PACS system. PACS is the healthcare technology of the future. A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is a computerized means of replacing the role of conventional radiological film images are acquired, stored, transmitted, and displayed digitally. PACS is not just used in the radiology department it can be used all ov er the hospital in any location, anytime, anywhere and even be used with other hospitals, between different physicians. I also talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the PACS system as well as other systems that work along with the PACS System.Referenceshttp//

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